Piptospatha pileata
Clumping rheophytic herb to 20 cm tall. Roots strong, c. 2 mm in diameter. Stem short, to 10 mm in diameter, but obscured by leaf bases. Leaves many together, arching, forming a dense rosette; petiole bases clasping stem; petiole 5 – 8 cm long, up to 2 mm in diameter, strongly D-shaped in cross section with the dorsal margins crispulate-hyaline, entire petiole minutely but distinctly scabrous, reddish dark green; petiolar sheath with free ligular portion, 2 – 4 cm long, marcescent and ultimately deciduous, persistent part of ligular sheath with hyaline margin, somewhat dark reddish brown; leaf blades narrowly elliptic, 8 – 10 cm long × 2 – 3.5 cm wide, base cuneate, somewhat obtuse, apex acute with stout tubule, c. 5 mm long, in life deep glossy green adaxially, much paler abaxially, drying dull reddish brown with abaxial venation slightly darker; midrib bluntly raised adaxially, rounded-raised and minutely scabrous abaxially; primary lateral veins c. 6 per side, parallel pinnate, impressed adaxially, very slightly raised abaxially; interprimary lateral veins weaker than primary laterals although still conspicuous, irregularly visible as semitranslucent broken lines running parallel to the primary laterals and joining a weakly defined submarginal collecting vein. Inflorescence solitary, erect; peduncle 8 – 11 cm long at anthesis and c. 16 cm at fruiting, c. 2.5 – 3 mm in diameter, minutely but distinctly scabrous, reddish brown. Spathe initially erect, later held at c. 90° to peduncle, during fruiting once again erect, not constricted, dark pink in bud, opening with spathe limb dark magentapurple pink shading to medium pink and then reddish brown basally; spathe limb inflated-pileate at anthesis, shedding during staminate anthesis, c. 4 cm long, the base c. 1.5 cm wide, midway inflated to c. 2 cm, then ventrally constricted and terminating in a tubule c. 4 mm long. Spadix 2 – 2.5 cm long × c. 0.5 mm in diameter, base slightly obliquely inserted onto the very short stipe; pistillate flower zone fertile to the base or with one or two rhomboidal pink staminodes inserted basally, cylindric, base rather abruptly obtuse and overhanging the stipe, c. 5.5 mm long × c. 5 mm in diameter, pistils cylindrical, truncate, very congested, c. 0.6 mm diameter; stigma with a slight central depression, papillate, as wide as ovary, pinkish grey; zone of paired staminodes of circa four whorls separating pistillate and staminate zone; staminodes rhomboidal-polygonal, upper sides tapering basally, white; staminate zone equalling the pistillate zone in width, c. 15 mm long × 5 mm in diameter, slightly tapering, apex blunt, pale cream; staminate flowers congested, comprised of paired stamens, irregularly oblong and weakly butterfly shaped in plan view, c. 0.5 mm wide × c. 1 mm long, truncate, glabrous; thecae lateral, c. 0.3 mm, ellipsoid with a wide rim, the opposite stamens linked by a transverse sulcus. Fruiting spathe funnel-shaped, 1 cm long × 1.5 cm wide. Fruits in a semiglobose head with a central depression resulting from shedding of the spent parts of the spadix, individual berries very tightly appressed, very pale yellow with minute reddish speckles, stigma reddish brown. Seeds not observed.
Piptospatha pileata morphologically has the closest affinities to P. burbidgei (N. E. Br.) M. Hotta but is readily distinguished by the following features: the deep magenta-purple (not rose pink), strongly pileate spathe limb (the portion that is shed at staminate anthesis); the pinkish grey (not green) pistillate flowers; the narrowly elliptic, acute (not narrowly oblong, obtuse) leaf blades with adaxially impressed (not flush and almost invisible) primary lateral veins and a petiole strongly D-shaped in cross section with crispulate-hyaline dorsal margins (not subterete and lacking hyaline margins).
Indonesian Borneo, Kalimantan Timur, known from two localities c. 30 km distant.
Obligate rheophyte in waterfalls and river boulders on very hard shales under extremely wet upper hill forest; at altitude of c. 700 – 1000 m.