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Bucephalandra forcipula S. Y. Wong & P. C. Boyce
Family: AraceaeGenus: Bucephalandra
Medium sized, robust facultative rheophytic herbs up to 30 cm tall. Stem initially erect, later much-elongating and becoming decumbent and rooting from behind active tip, with active portion erect, oldest stems up to 25 cm long × 2 cm in diam., although usually less, greenish brown. Leaves to c. 10 together; petiole 8 - 10 cm long × c. 3 mm in diam., scabridulous, adaxially narrowly canaliculate, dull pinkish brown to medium matte red, sheathing at extreme base, wings extended into a very narrowly triangular ligular portion to 5 cm long; blade elliptic, 10 - 14 cm long × 5 - 6 cm wide, rather thickly softly coriaceous, weakly glossy bluish grey to deep green, paler abaxially, base obtuse to rounded-cuneate, apex rounded and apiculate for c. 3 mm, margin usually straight; midrib abaxially and adaxially prominent; primary lateral and interprimary veins not differentiated, c. 8 on each side, diverging at 25° - 60° and running to an orange marginal vein; all other venation obscure. Inflorescence solitary, occasionally paired with a conspicuous prophyll between; peduncle exceeding petioles, 8 - 12 cm long × c. 3 mm in diam., weakly longitudinally angular, pale reddish brown. Spathe narrowly ovate, not constricted, 8 - 10 cm long; lower spathe funnel-form, green, persistent; limb gaping distally at pistillate anthesis, caducous during staminate anthesis, white, rostrate for c. 1.5 cm, apiculate for c. 5 mm, apiculum green. Spadix 4 - 4.5 cm long; pistillate zone somewhat obliquely inserted on spathe, 4 - 7 mm long × c. 7 mm in diam., with 3 or 4 spirals of pistils; pistils cylindric-globose in plan view, c. 1.5 mm in diam., green; stigma sessile, discoid with a deep, narrow central pit, slightly wider than ovary, sticky papillate at anthesis; pistillodes 1 - 3 at base of pistillate zone, squat fusiform, c. 0.5 mm in diam., white; interstice with 3 or 4 rows of scale-like staminodes, these c. 2 mm long × c. 2 mm wide, each somewhat reduplicate with tip spathulate, initially white, later (post-anthesis) becoming green and persisting to cover developing fruit; staminate zone 1.5 - 1.8 cm long × c. 1 cm in diam., consisting of 7 - 9 rows of flowers; staminate flowers creamy white; stamen c. 2 mm across; filament long, reflexing during staminate anthesis to reveal tops of Y-shaped connective; connective cuneate (Y-shaped in plan view); thecae inserted distally and ventrally, with a deep suture between, individually rhombic, c. 1 mm long × c. 0.5 mm wide, smooth, cream; thecae horns equalling associated theca, stiffly setaceous, downward and laterally spreading, initially pale cream, becoming deep orange during staminate anthesis; appendix bullet-shaped, 1.5 - 2 cm long × c. 1 cm in diam. (at widest part), cream; appendix staminodes rhomboidal-obpyramidal, lowermost ones truncate with a central depression, c. 1 mm in diam., upper surface papillate. Fruiting spathe funnel-form, c. 2 cm in diam., with shield-shaped staminodes persistent, turning green, spent distal part of spadix falling; fruits and seeds not seen.