Anthurium haltonii Croat
Epiphytic; stem erect; internodes short; cataphylls persistent, coriaceous. LEAVES with petioles 31.5 cm long, 1.3 times longer than blades, drying 3 - 4 mm diam., narrowly sulcate above, matte; geniculum 2 - 2.5 cm long, concolorous to slightly darker than petiole; blades sub-triangular, sagittate-subhastate, 22.8 cm long, 12.2 cm wide, 1.8 times longer than broad, 0.7 times as long as petiole, broadest across the posterior lobes or at the petiolar plexus, conspicuously triangular, narrowly ovate-cordate, very narrowly acuminate at apex, prominently lobed at base, coriaceous, dark green and matte above and below, drying red-brown; upper surface; conspicuously areolate-ridged, conspicuously pale short-lineate; lower surface moderately smooth but minutely granular; anterior lobe 17.4 cm long, broadest at petiolar plexus, margins slightly broadly concave to broadly convex or almost straight; posterior lobes 7 - 8 cm long, 3.4 - 4.5 cm wide; midrib narrowly raised above, prominently and acutely raised below; primary lateral veins 6 - 7 pairs, arising at a 54° angle, drying slightly raised above, narrowly raised and granular below; tertiary veins drying slightly raised when dry; collective veins arising from the first pair of basal veins, or from primary lateral veins in the lower half of the blades, rather prominently loop-connected, 3 - 4 mm from margin; basal veins 4 pairs, 1st pair free to base, 2nd pair fused to 1 cm, 3rd pair fused 2.1 - 2.5 cm; posterior ribs 2.0 - 2.5 cm long, naked 1.0 - 1.7 cm; sinus parabolic, 4.5 - 4.7 cm deep, 4 - 4.5 cm wide. INFLORESCENCE erect-spreading; peduncle 37.4 cm long, drying 4 mm diam.; spathe erect, 7.3 cm long, 2.4 cm wide, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, drying darker red-brown; spadix stipitate 5 mm, 6 cm long, 7 mm diam., cylindroid-tapered, weakly curved, drying medium brown; flowers 8 - 9 visible in the principle spiral, 12 - 14 flowers visible in the alternate spiral, 1.8 - 2.0 mm long, 1.9 mm wide; lateral tepals 0.8 mm wide, conspicuously granular; outer margin prominently 3-sided; inner margin almost straight; stamens held in tight cluster around style, anthers 0.3 - 0.4 mm long, 0.4 - 0.6 mm wide; thecae ovoid, moderately divaricate. INFRUCTESCENCE with bright red berries.