Anthurium laminense Croat
Epiphyte; internodes short, ca. 2 cm long, 2 - 2.5 cm diam.; cataphylls persisting intact, 16 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, medium yellow-brown. LEAVES with petioles 63 cm long, 7 mm diam. midway, terete, drying obtusely and broadly sulcate, drying medium brown, matte; geniculum 2 cm long, darker than petiole; blades narrowly ovate-sagittate, 40 cm long, 29 cm wide, widest 1 cm below petiolar plexus, abruptly acuminate (acumen ca. 1.5 cm long), 1.4 times longer than wide, 0.6 times longer than petiole, papyraceous, drying medium greenish brown above and lighter greenish brown below, matte above and weakly glossy below; upper surface short pale-lineate, epunctate; lower surface granular, conspicuously dark punctate; anterior lobe 28 cm long, margins convex; posterior lobes 14 - 14.5 cm long, 9.5 cm wide; midrib convex above, narrowly convex with a weak medial rib below, dark yellowish brown below; primary lateral veins 2 - 3 pairs, arising at a 49 - 52° angle, narrowly convex above, broadly convex below; tertiary veins inconspicuous above, concolorous and weakly raised below; collective veins arising from the lowest primary lateral veins or the 1st basal veins, 3 - 4 mm from margin; antimarginal veins present; basal veins 6 pairs, 1st pair free to base, remainder coalesced to 6 cm, 2nd pair coalesced to 1.5 cm, 3rd and 6th pairs to 4 cm, 4thand 5thpairs to 6 cm, narrowly convex with medial ribs; posterior rib 6 cm long, naked to 4 cm; sinus hippocrepiform, 12 cm deep. INFLORESCENCES erect; peduncle 16.5 - 19 cm long, 2 mm diam. midway, obtusely and narrowly sulcate, drying dark brown, matte, 3 times longer than spathe; spathe 6 cm long, 2 cm wide, oblong, subcoriaceous, spreading, green, drying yellow-brown; spadix sessile, 5 - 8 cm long, 1.4 - 1.7 cm diam. midway, cylindrical to somewhat fusiform, drying dark brown; flowers 8 - 9 per spiral, 2.7 - 3.0 mm long, 3.6 - 4.1 mm wide; tepals1.3 - 1.7 mm wide, inner margin broadly rounded, outer margin 3 - 4-sided, surface minutely and densely granular, stamens 0.5 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, thecae weakly divaricate.