Anthurium magrewii Croat
Internodes 0.2 - 0.3 cm long, 3 - 4 cm diam.; roots moderately dense, 4 mm diam., light brown; cataphylls with subapical appiculum, persisting as fine fibers at upper nodes. LEAVES 105 - 131 cm long (averaging 118) with petioles 41.2 - 57 cm long, 8 mm thick, 7 mm wide, basically terete, drying obtusely U-shaped, obtusely deeply and narrowly sulcate, flattened adaxially with bluntly acute margins, minutely short-speckled, geniculum 2 - 2.5 cm long slightly swollen; blades oblong-elliptic, 55.1 - 74.1 cm long, 10 - 20.3 cm wide, 3.1 - 5.9 times longer than wide (averaging 4.1), 1.0 - 1.4 times longer than petiole (averaging 1.3), subcoriaceous, shortly and gradually acuminate at apex, rounded at base; midrib drying narrowly rounded and concolorous above, narrowly rounded and slightly paler below; primary lateral veins 16 - 25 pairs, arising from the midrib at 40 - 50u angles, weakly raised to narrowly raised and concolorous above, bluntly acute and darker green below, drying paler below; basal veins 2 pairs, the outer pair weak and soon margining out, the inner and principle basal pair forming the collective veins and running to the apex, 7 - 10 mm from margins; tertiary veins flattened, darker than surface. INFLORESCENCE erect-spreading, 32 - 86 cm long (averaging 59) with peduncles 27 - 70 cm long (averaging 42.5 cm), terete, 5 - 7 mm diam., drying 2 - 4 mm diam.; spathe spreading, green, lanceolate, 6 - 18.4 cm long, 1 - 2.3 cm wide, heavily tinged purple within with midrib darker purple, sometimes also on outside; spadix dark purple, matte, 5 - 17.5 cm long (averaging 12.1), 4 - 8 mm diam. (averaging 6); flowers 5 - 8 visible per spiral, 2.8 - 3 mm long, 2.6 mm wide; tepals matte, minutely papillate, sparsely pale-dotted; lateral tepals 1.6 mm wide, the inner margin broadly rounded, outer margins 2-sided; stamens held at the level of the tepals; anthers 0.6 mm long, 0.95 mm wide. INFRUCTESCENCE: berries reddish, obovoid, 5 mm diam., 6 mm long; seeds ovoid, 2.8 - 3.3 mm 3 2.2 - 2.5, purplish speckled, 1.0 - 1.8 mm thick bicolorous, dark green and weakly semiglossy to weakly glossy above, paler and matte, weakly glaucous below.