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Philodendron camarae Croat
Family: AraceaeGenus: Philodendron
Epiphyte; internodes ca. 16.0-23.5 cm long, ca. 1.5 cm wide, about as broad as long near the apex and drying yellowish brown with closely ridged dried surface, broadly spreading obtusely flattened adaxially and drying yellowish, glossy and irregularly folded and transversely fissured; cataphylls deciduous. LEAVES semiglossy strictum dry reddish brown and with faint laticifers visible and the areoles lack any dark maculations whereas P. camarae has the lower surface drying gray-brown with no visible laticifers and with the areoles containing minute dark maculations. Epiphyte; internodes ca. 16.0-23.5 cm long, ca. 1.5 cm wide, about as broad as long near the apex and drying yellowish brown with closely ridged dried surface, broadly spreading obtusely flattened adaxially and drying yellowish, glossy and irregularly folded and transversely fissured; cataphylls deciduous. LEAVES semiglossy above and very pale and matte beneath with numerous faint cross-veins; petioles ca. 23.5 cm long, ca. 1.5 cm wide, drying similar to internodes, with light brownish yellow flaking epidermis, flattened slightly with age; blades ca. 63.0 cm long, ca. 36.0 cm wide, 1.75 times longer than wide, 2.7 times longer than petioles, ovate-cordate-sagittate, semiglossy above and very pale and matte beneath, drying light brown and semiglossy below, silver-brown and glossy above; sinus roughly as long as wide; midrib round-raised and fissured below, round-raised with less prominent fissuring above, drying darker above and concolorous below; primary lateral veins 9-11 pairs arising at a ca. 60° angle with 6-7 pairs arising from the base drying finely ribbed and somewhat darker both above and below; minor veins numerous and fine, cross-veins numerous, indistinct. INFLORESCENCES 4 per axil with the blade white outside tinged weakly violet-purple inside; peduncles ca. 5.0-5.5 cm long, ca. 0.5-1.0 cm wide, finely ridged and flattened, drying brown with similar flaking epidermal layer to internodes and petioles; spathe tube violet-purple outside and bright red inner surface; spadix 12 cm long; staminate portion 8.5 cm long, 1.6 cm wide, bluntly rounded at apex, the constricted area 1.5 cm diam.; sterile staminate portion long, 17-1.9 cm long, 1.6 cm wide at base and apex, 1.9 cm diam. in middle; pistillate portion 3.2 cm long in front, 1.7-1.9 cm long in rear; pistils 1.8 cm long, 1.3 cm diam.; ovary 5-6-locular; ovules axile, ca. 10 per locule, 0.2 mm long, the funicle about as long as the ovary, attached at one side at the base.