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Schismatoglottis gampsospadix P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong
Family: AraceaeGenus: Schismatoglottis
Small mesophytic herbs with leaves in dense rosettes along a sub-epigeal rhizome-like stem. Stem (in nature) rhizome-like, in cultivation remaining erect, ca 25 cm tall. Leaves appressed to the ground, up to 10 per module; petioles up to 4 cm long, sheathing for ca ¼ of their length, spreading, petiole above the petiolar sheath stoutly crispulate, petiole dull dark green; petiolar sheath persistent, open, tips extended into unequal ligules, the longer ca 1.5 cm long, rounded auricle; blade 8-11 × 3-7 cm; fleshy, broadly elliptic, base cordiform, apex rounded, medium to deep semi-glossy green adaxially, matte pale green abaxially; midrib conspicuous, bluntly raised adaxially, rounded-raised abaxially; primary lateral veins about 5 per side, weakly impressed adaxially, slightly raised abaxially; interprimary and higher order veins more-or-less invisible. Inflorescences solitary; peduncle stout, ca 1 cm long × 3 mm wide, not emerging from the sheath, pale green; spathe hardly constricted, strongly curved forwards; lower spathe broadly globose-ellipsoid, ca 1.7 cm long × 1.5 cm wide, thinly fleshy, white; spathe limb triangular, fornicate, ca 3 cm long × 1.5 cm wide, rather fleshy, spathe limb inflating and opening by a narrow slit at pistillate anthesis, gaping and remaining fornicate at onset of staminate anthesis, then the margins deliquescing and drying-marcescent, limb white, all except the marcescent margins persisting into at least early fruiting (observations wanting). Spadix sub equalling the spathe, sessile; pistillate flower zone ca 1/5 the length of the spadix, ca 5 × 5 mm; pistils dense, ovoid, ca 1 × 0.6 mm, bright green; style nipple-like, much narrower than the ovary; stigma capitate, greyish white, papillate at pistillate anthesis; interpistillar staminodes very conspicuous below the pistillate zone, oblong, with the long sides perpendicular to the spadix axis, ca 3 mm long × 1.5 mm wide, waxy white; staminate flower zone contiguous with the pistillate flower zone, ca 1.5 cm × 4 mm, curving-cylindrical, ivory; staminate flowers tiny, (<0.3 mm), probably mainly 2-staminate, but chaotically arranged and some seemingly forming lines of up to 10 stamens, lowermost staminate flowers somewhat irregularly scattered, those further up very dense; stamens elongate-globose, connective embedded and ± invisible; thecae opening by a two coalesced pores; appendix ca 1.5 cm long, very slightly wider than the staminate flower zone, curving, blunt-tipped, covered with very many tiny (> 0.3mm) irregularly polygonal staminodes. Infructescence not observed.