Schismatoglottis gui
Small, dense-clumping evergreen, mesophytic herbs to 20 cm tall. Stem much-abbreviated, epigeal, erect, densely leafy. Leaves spreading, thinly chartaceous, ca 6 per module but modules very closely aggregated, subtended by a short, stiff prophyll ca 2 cm long, with the prophyll sheath wings hyaline and transparent; petioles up to 4.5 cm long, sheathing for ca 1/2 their length, ascending, petiole above the petiolar sheath carinate, the dorsal edges sharp, petiole dull dark green; petiolar sheath persistent, margins hyaline, more-or-less transparent, open, tips oblique with one side extended into a rounded auricle ca 3 mm long; blade up to 20 × 3 cm, very narrowly elliptic, base decurrent to weakly cuneate, apex long-attenuate, tip truncate, with a very short tubular mucro, bright green on first emerging, maturing deep semi-glossy green adaxially, matte pale green abaxially; midrib conspicuous, bluntly raised adaxially, rounded-raised abaxially; primary lateral veins about 5 per side, weakly impressed adaxially, slightly raised abaxially; interprimary veins barely distinguishable from the much less numerous primaries; secondary conspicuously tessellate abaxially and darker than surrounding tissue, weakly raised adaxially. Inflorescences up to 6 together, produced sequentially in a very dense synflorescence that barely extends from the subtending petiolar sheath, individual inflorescences alternating with much reduced leaves; peduncle slender, very short, ca 3 mm long × 1 mm wide, not emerging from the sheath, white; spathe weakly constricted; lower spathe ellipsoid, ca 1 cm long × 3 mm wide, somewhat fleshy, very pale green; spathe limb narrowly triangular, ca 3 cm long, of which ca 1 cm a slender stiff rostrum, spathe limb opening only slightly, weakly inflating during anthesis to form a narrow slit the length mid-portion of the spathe limb, limb white, rostrum green, limb soon deliquescing to ca half way down (not to the constriction), into a brownish white slime, lower spathe persisting. Spadix shorter than the spathe, ca 3.2 cm long, sessile; pistillate flower zone ca 1/4 the length of the spadix, ca 6mm × 3 mm, weakly obconic; pistils somewhat dense, compressed-globose with three or four distinct sutures, ca 0.9 × 0.6 mm, pale green; style very short, narrower than the ovary; stigma ca ¼ width of the ovary, impressed, capitate, greyish white, papillate at pistillate anthesis; interpistillar staminodes absent below the pistillate flower zone; interstice ca 2 mm long, slightly narrower than the pistillate flower zone, covered with mushroom-shaped staminodes ca 1 mm diam., the tops rounded, dull white; staminate flower zone ca 7mm × 3mm, obconic, waxy white; staminate flowers very densely arranged, seemingly 2-staminate, but very difficult to distinguish individual flowers; stamens globose, vaguely dumbbell shaped, connective embedded and ± invisible; thecae opening by a tiny single pore; appendix ca 1cm long, slender-pointed, composed of irregularly oval staminodes, these shallowly concave with a raised rim, ivory. Infructescence enclosed within a fleshy persistent spathe, the orifice of which is only slightly constricted and does not coincide with the spathe constriction; fruits not observed.
Schismatoglottis gui occurs from central Kapit (the Type) to northern Kalimantan Barat, an extensive distribution for a terrestrial Bornean aroid, the majority of which show high levels of localised endemism. Given this extensive range it is curious that S. gui appears to be unrepresented in any of the major herbarium collections of Bornean plants (i.e., BO, L, SAR, and SING).
Schismatoglottis gui occurs on very shaded riverside granite boulders under moist lowland to hill gallery forest between 65-400m asl.