Philodendron alonsoae
Epiphyte; internodes 3 cm long, 1 cm diam.; cataphylls less than 5 cm long, deciduous, drying intact with reddish brown epidermis; petioles 5.7-7.9 cm long, 3 mm diam., sheathed midway and free-ending, drying narrowly and obtusely sulcate, finely ribbed and reddish brown; blades elliptic, 22.1-24.2 cm long, 10.9-11.8 cm wide (averaging 23 x 11), 2.03-2.05 (averaging 2.04) times longer than broad, broadest midway, 3.0-4.2 (averaging 3.5) times as long as petioles, abruptly acuminate at apex, (acumen to 1.2 cm long), mildly acute at base, drying coriaceous, grayish yellow-brown and semiglossy above, reddish yellow-brown and weakly glossy below; upper surface minutely and sparsely wrinkled; lower surface sparsely pustular and more conspicuously wrinkled than upper surface; midrib drying broadly convex, minutely ribbed and paler above, narrowly convex, finely ribbed and slightly darker below; primary lateral veins obscure on both surfaces; minor veins arising from midrib, drying moderately visible and distinct above and below; laticifers continuous and weakly raised. INFLORESCENCE 1 per axil; peduncle 1.7 cm long; spathe 7.5-8.5 cm long, 1.7 cm wide, green, drying coriaceous, reddish brown; spadix 7.8 cm long; pistillate portion 1.7 cm long, 6.8 mm diam.; staminate portion 6.5 cm long, narrowly rounded at apex, the sterile staminate portion 2-3 mm long, 7 mm diam. scarcely distinguishable from the fertile flowers, slightly paler; constricted area weak, to 6 mm diam.; pistils 2 mm long, 1.2-1.3 mm diam. bottle-shaped; style slender, steeply sloping away from the apex, rounded at apex; stigma 0.6-1 mm diam., 0.6 mm thick, the stigmatic papillae forming a broad ring around the margins, depressed medially; locules 5 per ovary, 1 mm long; ovules 2-5 per locule, basal, enclosed within a translucent envelope 0.6 mm long, funicles about as long as the ovules.
Philodendron alonsoae is endemic to Colombia, known only from the type locality on Isla Gorgona at less than 150 m in a Premontane wet forest life zone.