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Philodendron genevieveanum Croat
Family: AraceaeGenus: Philodendron
Growing on rocks along stream; internodes 1.5-2 cm long, 2.2-3.0 cm diam., sap black; cataphylls 10.5-12.0 cm long, promptly mushy, marcescent, persisting as a fine network of pale brown fibers, drying with fragments of dark brown epidermis; petioles terete, dark green, weakly glossy, densely pale green scaly throughout its length (the scales simple or rarely branched, up to 3 mm long) 31-59 cm long, 6-9 mm diam., drying 3-8 mm diam., obtusely and broadly sulcate, dark brown; juvenile blades narrowly ovate, subcordate, 7.8-16.4 cm long, 3.8-8.5 cm wide, with scaly petioles; pre-adult blades narrowly ovate, subcordate, 19.2-22.3 cm long, 10.4-10.6 cm wide, with scaly petioles; blades oblong-ovate-sagittate, 35.7-50.1 cm long, 20.4-28.3 cm wide, 1.75-2.02 (averaging 1.87) times longer than broad, broadest midway, 0.8-1.1 (averaging 0.9) times longer than petioles, abruptly acuminate at apex, prominently lobed at base, subcoriaceous, semiglossy on both surfaces, dark green above, much paler below, drying subcoriaceous, black-brown with moderately conspicuous short pale lineations, semiglossy above, medium brown, moderately smooth with sparse fine granules, semiglossy below; anterior lobe 28.7-41.4 cm long and 18-22 cm wide, slightly constricted above the petiolar plexus; posterior lobe 11.2-16.6 cm long, 7.8-10.3 cm wide, directed downward and inward; midrib narrowly rounded and slightly paler above, much thicker than broad and darker below, drying broadly convex and darker above, bluntly acute, multi-ribbed and darker below; primary lateral veins 8-9 pair arising at a 65° angle, drying broadly convex and paler above, narrowly convex, finely ribbed and darker below; minor veins arising mostly from midrib, from primary lateral veins closer to margins, moderately visible and moderately sparse below, drying obscure above and distinct below; basal veins 6-7 pairs, 1st free to base, 5th and higher order fused 6.5-7 cm; laticifers long and discontinuous, weakly raised appearing like minor veins; posterior rib gradually curved, naked 1.7 cm; sinus parabolic, 6.7-9 cm deep, 5.3-7.2 cm wide midway. INFLORESCENCE 1 per axil; peduncle 2.5-4.0 cm long, coarsely striate toward apex, 9-10 mm diam. midway; spathe 15-17.5 cm long, 2.5-2.9 cm diam., post-anthesis, pale green, weakly glossy outside, dark red-purple and glossy inside on tube, greenish on blade, 2 cm diam., at constriction; spadix 12.5 cm long; pistillate portion 3.8 cm long in front, 2.8 cm long in rear, 0.8 cm diam. at base, 1.0 cm diam. midway, 1.3 cm diam. near apex; staminate portion 7.6 cm long, 0.5 cm diam. near the base, tapered to a slender point and 3 mm diam. at 5 mm below the apex; sterile staminate portion 2.2-2.3 cm long, 1.5 cm diam. at base, 1.3 diam. at apex; pistils 1.6-2.2 mm long; ovary 1-1.5 mm diam.; style 1.2-1.8 mm wide, 0.4-0.5 mm thick, the margins smoothly rounded; stigma donut-shaped, dark on reconstituted material with a low rim 0.7-0.8 mm diam. with a broad medial depression inside, the entire style covered by a slightly broader, thin mantle that extends nearly to the edge of the style; locules 4-5; ovules 5-7 per locule, with axile placentation, 0.1 mm long with the funicle about as long as the ovary.