Philodendron linganii
Epiphyte; internodes short, 1.5-3 cm but also sometimes to 10 or 12 cm long, 2-3 cm diam.; cataphylls 19-23 cm long, weakly persistent, soon deciduous, 2-ribbed. LEAVES 29.4-87.7 (averaging 64.3) cm long; petioles 15.8-46 (averaging 33.9) cm long, 7 mm diam., subterete, drying grayish medium brown; blades ovate-elliptic (subcordate-oblong), 23.4-44 cm long, 10.2-24 cm wide (averaging 37.0 x 16.7 cm), 1.3-2.8 (averaging 2.37) times longer than broad, broadest midway, 0.7-2.6 times long as petioles, abruptly to gradually acuminate at apex, cordulate and often inequilateral at base, dark green and semiglossy above, paler and less glossy below, drying subcoriaceous, reddish brown to gray-brown and matte to weakly glossy above, yellowish gray-brown and semiglossy below; upper surface minutely granular with a dense mixture of pustules; lower surface irregularly folded and sparsely pustular; anterior lobe 39.5-40.6 cm long, with straight to broadly rounded margins, the distal margin rounded; posterior lobes rounded, 2.5-7 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, often markedly of unequal size); sinus parabolic to arcuate, rarely spatulate, almost closed, 0.5-4.2 cm deep, 1.3-4 cm wide; major veins all sunken above, midrib drying broadly flattened, minutely ridged, sparsely pustular and darker above, broadly convex, finely ridged, conspicuously pustular and paler below; primary lateral veins 8-12 pairs, moderately obscure above, narrowly rounded and slightly paler below, drying usually paler than surface, arising at a steep angle on midrib then spreading at a 45-65°(-75°) angle; minor veins arising from midrib, moderately obscure in fresh material but drying moderately visible and distinct above and below; laticifers usually not visible except on younger leaves; upper surface with some of the major veins irregularly and often deeply etched, the intervening area mostly finely ridged longitudinally; lower surface more conspicuously granular to minutely warty-granular; posterior rib gradually curved; sinus arcuate, 1 cm deep, 3.8 cm wide at middle. INFLORESCENCES 2-5 per axil; peduncle 4-7.3 cm long; spathe reddish in bud, whitish at anthesis with pale speckles, becoming reddish, sometimes becoming yellowish to reddish in age, 6.5-10.5 cm long, 9 mm wide when furled, flattening to 2.6 cm wide, oblong-oblanceolate, drying moderately coriaceous, reddish medium brown; spadix green, drying 6-9.5 cm long, drying medium brown to reddish brown; pistillate portion 5.3-5.6 cm long in front, 4.2-5.1 cm long in rear, 7 mm diam. at base, 6 mm diam. at middle, 8 mm at apex,; staminate portion gradually broadened toward apex, 2.2-4.3 cm long, 7 mm diam. at base, 11 mm diam. in middle, 9 mm diam. at 1 cm from apex, broadly rounded at apex; sterile staminate portion not easily distinguishable, to 6 mm long, 6 mm diam.; pistils 1-1.5 mm, ca. long, 1.3 mm diam.; ovary 5-6-locular, the sides tapered slightly outward and broader than the style; style 1.4-2.2 mm wide, irregularly 4-5-sided, the margins bluntly rounded to somewhat acute; stigma button-shaped, yellowish brown on reconstitution, 1 mm diam., 0.6-0.8 mm diam., with 6-7 pits in a circle around the center, weakly raised medially; ovules 2 per locule, 0.6 mm long; funicles 0.4 mm long, borne in a gelatinous matrix.
Philodendron linganii is endemic to Peru, known from Cajamarca Department, San Ignacio Province at 1500-1600 m, in a Montane rain forest life zone and in Pasco Department in the Province of Oxapampa, Distrito Oxapampa at 2170-2450 m in a Premontane rain forest life zone. One paratype from Cusco, La Convención is unique in having a spatulate, nearly closed sinus.