Philodendron marcocorreanum
Epiphyte; stem less than 1 m long; internodes short, 6 cm diam.; cataphylls medium green, sharply 2-ribbed, soon persisting as a network of pale fibers, drying 37.6 cm long, fibrous with fragments of brown epidermis, the fibers manila; petioles 74 cm long, 1.7 cm diam. midway, finely striate throughout with pale discontinuous ridges, obtusely flattened toward apex, drying reddish brown; juvenile blades ovate elliptic, 15.5-17.2 cm long, 6.3-7.6 cm wide; preadult blades oblong-oblanceolate with cordulate lobes, 27.1-27.2 cm long, 17.4-17.7 cm wide; blades ovate-sagittate, 52.1-84.2 cm long, 42.9-66.6 cm wide, 1.21-1.30 (averaging 1.26) times longer than broad, broadest above petiole attachment, 0.7-1.1 (averaging 0.9) times long as petioles, abruptly acuminate at apex, prominently lobed at base, subcoriaceous, semiglossy, purplish violet on lower surface when young, medium green below in age, drying subcoriaceous, medium brown and semiglossy above, reddish brown and semiglossy below; upper surface smooth, areolate upon magnification, short-pale-lineate; lower surface sparsely pustular; anterior lobe 40.8-62.5 cm long, the distal margin broadly rounded; posterior lobes 19.1-29.1 cm long, 14.9-24.7 cm wide, directed downward and inward; midrib flattened and moderately paler above, narrowly rounded and purplish violet (eventually medium green) below, drying flattened, finely ribbed and darker above, narrowly rounded, finely ribbed and darker below; primary lateral veins 12 pairs, arising at a 55-60° angle, obtusely sunken and concolorous above, narrowly round-raised and purplish below, drying obtusely sunken and concolorous above, narrowly rounded and darker below; minor veins moderately indistinct, arising mostly from midrib but also from the primary lateral veins closer to margins, drying distinct above and moderately visible below; laticifers long and continuous, lying between every minor vein; basal veins 10-12 pairs, 1st and 2nd pair free to base, 3rd pair fused to 5.2 cm, 7th and 8th pair fused to 6.2 cm; posterior rib gradually curved, naked 5.2 cm; sinus hippocrepiform, 11.2-21.5 cm deep, 6.5-14.4 cm wide. INFLORESCENCES 1-2 per axil; peduncle 8.5 cm long, pale green with short white lineations, coarsely white striate at apex; spathe 17.5 cm long, whitish to pale green outside and matte to weakly glossy outside, 2.2-2.8 x 2.7-3.4 long, dark purple-violet and glossy inside, pale green and pale short-lineate outside, whitish on tube, moderately glossy throughout outside, the open margin of tube violet-purple; spadix 14.7 cm long; staminate portion 10.5 cm long; sterile segment 2 cm long, 1.3 x 1.5 cm at base; pistillate portion 4.2 cm long in front, 2.5 cm long in rear, 1.5 x 1.7 cm diam. at base, 1.3 x 1.6 at apex; pistils 1.5 mm long, more or less quadrangular to subterete, 0.8-1 mm diam. style broadly rounded on margins; stigma 0.8 mm diam. the margins turned up, with 6-7 pores in a circle around the slightly raised center; ovules 15-20 per locule with axile placentation, 0.3 mm long, the funicle, 0.3-0.4 mm long.
Philodendron marcocorreanum is endemic to Colombia, known only from the type locality in Caquetá Department at 900 m in a Premontane rain forest life zone.