Philodendron pseudoverrucosum
Terrestrial or hemiepiphyte on rocky bank along stream and in deep shade in forest; internodes 5-10 cm long, 2-5 cm diam., as broad as long or longer than broad, dark green, semiglossy becoming gray-brown, weakly glossy and transversely, minutely ribbed; stem creeping; cataphylls 20-35 cm length, reddish purple to reddish brown, densely covered with medium green scales, unribbed, marcescent, persisting at upper nodes as thin intact member, finally deciduous, drying intact with reddish dark brown epidermis; petioles 32-93 cm long, 5-10 mm diam., terete, medium green to dark olive-green, matte to weakly glossy, becoming obtusely flattened adaxially towards apex, usually densely transverse scaly-ribbed, drying reddish medium brown to grayish dark brown; preadult blades broadly ovate-sagittate, to 19.7 cm long, 10.5 cm wide, the sinus ca. 2 cm deep, broadly rounded at the apex; adult blades ovate-sagittate, 27.3-59 cm long, 21.1-49.6 cm wide (averaging 44 x 35), 1.14-1.54 (averaging 1.27) times longer than broad, broadest at petiole attachment, 0.5-1.1 (averaging 0.72) times long as petioles, abruptly acuminate at apex (acumen to 2 cm long), prominently lobed at base, thin to softly coriaceous, dark green and matte-velvety above, sometimes pale green along main veins, paler, purple tinged and matte below, drying reddish medium brown to reddish dark brown and weakly glossy above, medium brown and semiglossy below; upper surface smooth with short pale lineations, sometimes absent; lower surface glossier; anterior lobe 21.4-42.8 cm long, with straight margins, the distal margin rounded; posterior lobes 8.8-23 cm long, 7.2-18.9 cm wide, directed downward and inward; midrib flattened to sunken and paler above, narrowly round-raised and paler to slightly darker, drying flattened and concolorous above and round-raised, densely granular puberulent and darker below; primary lateral veins 8 (7-9) pairs, arising a 50-60? angle near middle, narrowly sunken and paler to concolorous above, narrowly round-raised and paler to concolorous below, drying narrowly acute and concolorous above, flattened, densely granular-puberulent and darker below; minor veins arising mostly from midrib but also from the primary lateral veins closer to margins, distinct, weakly raised and granular below; cross-veins distinct on lower surface with bands of violet-purple tingeing the areas between primary lateral veins; laticifers short and discontinuous on lower surface; basal veins 9 (7-9) pairs, the 1st and 2nd pair free to the base, 3rd pair fused to 1-1.5 cm, the 4th and 5th pairs fused to 3.5-5.5 cm, drying densely granular puberulent below; posterior rib gradually curved, naked 1-1.5 cm; sinus hippocrepiform, 5.5-17.6 cm deep, 1.9-7.8 cm wide. INFLORESCENCES 1-2 per axil; peduncle 3.3-13.2 cm long; spathe 14-18 cm long, blade whitish, tube pale red with darker base and margins internally, post-anthesis inflorescence dark violet-purple in tube and tinged onto spathe blade, drying 10-26.8 cm long, 1.3-4.8 cm diam., coriaceous, reddish dark brown; spadix yellowish-white, drying 7.1-18.6 cm long, dark brown to blackish brown; pistillate portion 1.9-8.2 cm long in front, 3-10 mm diam. at middle, 1-6.5 cm long in back; staminate portion 4.6-10.6 cm long, 3-18 mm diam., gradually tapered; sterile staminate portion 7-17 mm long, 2-8 mm diam.; pistils 5-6 mm long, 2.8-3.3 mm diam.(4-)5-6-locular; style 2.2-3 mm wide, the margins rounded, yellow-brown in pickled collections; stigma button-shaped, 0.9-1.0 mm diam., dark brown in pickled collections, with (4-)5-6 deep pits around the periphery; ovules with axile placentations, 8-10 per locule, 0.6-0.9 mm long, 0.3 mm diam., with a minute constricted cap on the apex, funicle very short.
The species ranges from northern Ecuador to northern Peru at 284-1940 m but primarily between 1000 and 1400 m, occurring in Premontane wet forest and Premontane moist forest life zones. While most collections of the species have short pale lineations present on the upper surfaces, some collections appear to lack them all together. These are Foster 7732 (Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa), Asplund 18412 and Croat 58803 (Napo), Croat 99445 (Orellana), Croat 73480 (Pastaza) and (Napo).