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Philodendron sanmarcoense Croat
Family: AraceaeGenus: Philodendron
Epiphyte to 2 m off ground; internodes short, 1.1 cm diam.; cataphylls persisting as a few weathering pale loose fibers, deciduous; petioles 23.8 cm long, 5 mm diam., terete, drying dark brown; blades ovate, 34.8 cm long, 28.9 cm wide, 1.20 times longer than broad, broadest midway, 1.46 times long as petioles, rounded apex, cordulate at base, drying subcoriaceous, drying grayish olive-brown and weakly above, olive-brown and semiglossy below; upper surface densely pale short-lineate, conspicuously areolate upon magnification; lower surface with conspicuously pellucid punctations, pale short-lineate associated with and along major veins; anterior lobe 29.8 cm long, with straight margins, the distal margin broadly rounded; posterior lobes 9.6 cm long, 8.1 cm wide, rounded; midrib drying flattened, pale short-lineate and darker above, broadly convex, pale short-lineate, finely ribbed and darker below; primary lateral veins 12 pairs, arising at a 55° angle near middle, drying flattened, sparsely pale short-lineate and paler above, narrowly convex, sparsely pale short-lineate, finely ribbed and darker below; minor veins arising mostly from midrib but also from the primary lateral veins closer to the margins, drying moderately visible and distinct above and below; cross-veins perpendicular to transverse, weakly visible on upper surface, prominent on lower surface; laticifers conspicuous and moderately long; basal veins 2 pairs, both free to base; posterior rib gradually curved; sinus parabolic, 4.7 cm deep, 3.1 cm wide at middle. INFLORESCENCES at least 3 per axil; peduncle 7.3-8.6 cm long; spathe cream 4.4-5 cm long, 5-7 mm wide, flattening to 2.8 cm wide, drying subcoriaceous, medium reddish brown; spadix yellow, 4.8 cm long; staminate portion 5.2 mm diam. at base, 6.2 mm diam. in distal 2/3rd, rounded at apex; sterile staminate portion not markedly obvious, 4 mm long, 3.6 mm diam. at apex; pistillate portion 4 mm long, 5 mm wide at middle, 4.8 mm diam. at apex; pistils 1.8 mm long; ovule 1.4 mm long, 1.4 mm diam., 4-5-locular; stigma, 0.8-1.2 mm wide, 0.2 mm thick, ovules 0.2 mm long, about as long at the funcle, basal, 2-3 per locule.