Anthurium mateoi Croat & Altamirano
Terrestrial, scandent; internodes 4-12 cm long, 0.4 cm diam.; cataphylls persisting as scant fibers 2-4 cm. LEAVES 18.6 cm long with slender, weakly sulcate petioles 11-12 cm long, 2 mm diam., C-shaped, drying dark brown; geniculum 1 cm long, faint transverse creases visible microscopically; blades broadly ovate, subcordate, 17-18 cm long, 8 cm wide, 2.1 times longer than broad, 1.5 times longer than petiole, broadest at middle, cuspidate apex, epunctate on upper and lower surfaces, drying grey-green, semi-glossy on upper surface and yellow-brown, matte on lower surface; midvein drying acute and inconspicuous on upper surface, broadly rounded, finely ribbed and darker brown on lower surface; basal veins 2 pairs forming collective veins, the 1st pair free to the base, inconspicuous, running 1-2 mm from margin ending in the lower 1/4, 2ndpair more prominent, loop connecting to primary lateral veins, running 5 mm from margin to the apex; primary lateral veins 8 pairs, departing the midrib at 50°-60° angle, dry weakly raised, sometimes inconspicuous on upper surface, concolorous on lower surface and finely raised, slightly rounded and more prominent on the lower surface; tertiary veins twisted, irregular, inconspicuous. INFLORESCENCES 39.3 cm long with peduncle 35.2 cm long, 3 mm diam., drying dark brown, stipe 5.3 cm long, 2 mm diam.; spathe 4.2 cm long, 2.1 cm wide, spreading at 90° angle from peduncle, clear green, ovate, drying yellow-brown, spadix 4.3 cm long, 3 mm diam., cylindroid, dark purple-violet, drying very dark brown, 4 flowers visible per spiral, 3.4 mm long by 1.8 mm wide, lateral tepals 1.2-1.5 mm long, surface minutely granular, outer margins 2-sided, inner margins broadly rounded, often curved upward at center.