Ooia paxilla P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong
Rheophytic herb c.10 cm tall. Stem c.4–8 cm long, somewhat elongate with internodes to 1 cm long, 0.6–1.5 cm diameter, roots strong, 2.5–3 mm thick, active tips with a conspicuous gel “cap”. Leaves about 10 together; petiole brownish purple, 3–12 cm long, c.3 mm diameter, adaxially very shallowly canaliculate, sheathing only at the very bottom of the base, the wings extended into a narrowly triangular ligular portion 2–3 cm long; blade elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 5–11 cm long by 2–3.5 cm wide, bright mid-green adaxially, abaxially paler, the base cuneate, the apex acute and apiculate for 2–3 mm; midrib prominent abaxially, adaxially somewhat impressed, sometimes abaxially purple, with 8–11 primary lateral veins on each side, more or less regularly alternating with lesser interprimaries and diverging at c.45–60°; secondary venation abaxially fine, adaxially obscure; tertiary venation obscure. Inflorescences two or three together alternating with prophylls; peduncle pendent in nature (laying flat on the ground in cultivation) 8–12 cm long, c.2 mm diameter, reddish brown. Spathe ovoid-subcylindric, c.2.5 cm long, 1 cm diameter, apically beaked for c.4 mm, persistent, glossy reddish brown, orthotropous on a pendent peduncle at anthesis. Spadix 1.8–2.5 cm long, subcylindric to slightly clavate, shortly stipitate with the stipe adnate to the spathe, deep glossy reddish; pistillate flower zone 6–7.5 mm long, c.4 mm diameter; ovary ovoid c.1.2 mm diameter, pink; stigma sessile, discoid, narrower than ovary, pink; staminodes confined to a single row below the pistillate flower zone; staminodes stipitate, about as tall as the pistils, c.1.2 mm diameter, irregularly polygonal, flat-topped, glossy white; sterile interstice absent; staminate flower zone 9–11 mm long, 5.5–6.5 mm diameter; bullet-shaped, apically obtuse, fertile to apex; stamens crowded, arranged in pairs, truncate, flattopped, more or less rectangular from above, c.1.1 mm across, minutely hairy on the upper surface, pale orange; thecae opening through apical pores. Fruiting spathe ovoid–subcylindric, deep reddish brown, pendent, infructescence not observed.