Anthurium nizandense (Araceae)
Usually terrestrial or epilithic; leaf scars 0.7- 1.2 cm high, 1.3 cm wide; roots moderately numerous, descending, greenish to tan, smooth to somewhat pubescent, moderately elongate, tapered; cataphylls subcoriaceous, 3-7 cm long, rounded and minutely apiculate at apex, drying dark brown, persisting semi-intact, eventually as a reticulum of fibers. LEAVES erect-spreading; petioles 6-24 cm long, (3)5-6 mm diam., quadrangular to D-shaped to subterete, flattened to broadly and sharply sulcate adaxially, the margins sharply raised, rounded abaxially, the surface pale-speckled, sometimes tinged with red-violet; geniculum slightly paler and thicker than petiole, 1-1.5 cm long; blades subcoriaceous, obovate-elliptic to elliptic, acute to abruptly acuminate at apex (the acumen apiculate), rounded to acute or attenuate at base, 25-57 cm long, 10.7-30 cm wide, broadest at or above the middle, the margins weakly undulate; upper surface matte to semiglossy, medium green, lower surface matte, paler below; both surfaces with short, linear raphide cells and convexly raised epidermal cells, drying brown to greenish brown; midrib acutely to convexly raised above, more prominently so below; primary lateral veins 6-11 per side, departing midrib at 50-80° angle, straight to weakly arcuate-ascending to the collective vein, raised above and below, darker than surface below; tertiary veins obscure above, weakly visible below; collective vein arising from about the middle of the blade or near the apex, 3-9 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCES erect, equalling or longer than leaves; peduncle 31-60 cm long, 5- 8 mm diam., 1.8-2.7 x as long as petiole, terete; spathe reflexed, subcoriaceous, green, ovate-lanceolate, 8-9.5 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide, broadest near the base, inserted at 45° angle on peduncle, acute at apex, apparently obtuse at base; spadix pale green becoming reddish brown, somewhat tapered, 12-14 cm long, 9-11 mm diam. near base, 4 mm diam. near apex; flowers rhombic, 1.8-2.5 mm long, 2.8-3 mm wide, the sides sigmoid; 7- 9 flowers visible in principal spiral, 5-6 in alternate spiral; lateral tepals 1.5 mm wide, the inner margins broadly convex or weakly concave; pistils not emergent; stigma broadly ellipsoid; stamens emerging rapidly in a complete sequence, emerging shortly above the tepals, arranged in a circle around the pistil; anthers ca. 0.4 mm long, 0.6 mm wide; thecae ellipsoid, weakly divaricate. INFRUCTESCENCE pendent; spathe withered; spadix 6.5 cm long, 1.5 cm diam.; berries greenish white, ovoid, 8 mm long; mesocarp transparent, juicy, pulpy; seeds l(2) per berry, pale yellow (B & K yellow 9/2.5), broadly obovoid, 5.2-5.4 mm long, 4.5-4.7 mm diam., 3.4-4 mm thick, with a minute, translucent appendage, ± gnarled at apex on side, tinged with brown, enveloped by gelatinous substance.
Endemic to Mexico in southern Guerrero and southern Oaxaca. It is known only from the vicinity of Tierra Colorada in Guerrero and Nizanda in Oaxaca.
Seasonally very dry habitats on steep, rocky cliffs in "selva baja caducifolia."