Anthurium obliquatum Schott
Petiole ca. 25 cm long, geniculum 1.5 cm long. LEAF blade 25 - 30 cm long, 15 cm wide, bright green, oblong-cordiform, on one side narrower with the margin curving introrsely, on the other broader with the margin curving extrorsely, aequally long-produced, narrowed at the apex more-or-less sharply into an obliquely exserted cuspidate acumen, posterior lobes 3 - 4 cm long and wide, basal primary lateral veins 4 on each side, the innermost erect-ascending, at the middle of the blade approaching themargin and then transforming into a collective vein near the margin and joined to the 10 middle and upper ascending lateral veins, the proximal basal veins patent, turning upwards sharply near the margin and reaching the margin of the lowermost third of the blade, the remainder joined with the former at the base into a basal rib rather long-denuded in the sinus, retrorse and curved upwards in a semicircular arc and soon reaching the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle slender. Spathe lanceolate, pale green, 7 - 8 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, gradually narrowing towards the apex. Spadix 4 - 5 cm long, 5 mm thick, cylindroid, sessile, purple.