Anthurium obtusatum (Araceae)
Terrestrial; stem scandent; internodes 2-3 cm long; cataphylls lanceolate. LEAVES: Petiole canaliculate above a little longer than blade, equalling 2-2.5 dm [20 - 25 cm]; blades oblong-sagittate, 2 dm [20 cm] long; posterior lobes oblong, 1/3 as long as anterior, 5-6 cm long, 3-4 cm wide; sinus campanulate; anterior lobe elongate, long-acuminate 2 cm; lateral basal veins 3 pairs, decidedly curved, joined into small posterior ribs naked at the, sinus, merging into the margin; 2 basal veins and 3-4 ascending, well-separated pairs of primary lateral veins, joined into a collective vein 1-2 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 1.5 dm [15 cm] long; spathe oblong, short-acuminate, coppery, 6-7 cm long, 3 cm wide; spadix cylindrical, obtuse, a little longer than half of the spathe (in single specimen at hand 2.5 cm long, 6 mm diam.), stipitate 1.5 cm; tepals 1 1/2 times longer than wide; stamen narrowly linear, finally long-protruding beyond [protruding far beyond?] the tepals; ovary oblong-ovoid, attenuate into style; [style] conical, a little short.
Colombia. Cauca: on the ground in thick forests on the eastern slopes of the Munchique.
On the ground in thick forests.