Anthurium pallens (Araceae)
Epiphyte, scandent; internodes 5-9 mm long; cataphylls 4.5-5 cm long, drying reddish-brown, weathering into linear fibers and persisting. LEAVES erect-spreading; petioles subterete, 7-25 cm long, 2.5-6.5 cm diam., narrowly sulcatc; blades lanceolate-linear to narrowly oblong-elliptic, 18-34.5 cm long, 2.5-6.5 cm wide, long-acuminate at apex, acute to obtuse or rounded at base; midrib raised above and below; primary lateral veins 5-9 per side, sunken above, raised below; lesser veins inconspicuous; collective vein arising from near the base. INFLORESCENCE ± erect, shorter than leaves; peduncle 10-16 cm long; spathe green, lanceolate, 2.5-3.2 cm long, 0.8-1 cm wide; spadix green turning yellow (sometimes orange), 3-4.5 cm long, 3-6 mm diam. (dry) at base, weakly tapered at apex; the flowers rhombic, ca. 3.1 mm long, 3 mm wide (dry); ca. 3 flowers visible in the principal spiral, ca. 5 flowers visible in the alternate spiral. INFRUCTESCENCE with spadix to 6 cm long; berries green to yellow-green (?), ± globose.
Known from Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador.
Premontane rain forest and lower montane rain forest life zones.