Anthurium umbraculum Sodiro
Hemiepiphytic, appressed epiphyte, or sometimes terrestrial; internodes short, to 4 cm long, .6-3.7 cm diam.; cataphylls thin, to 20 cm long, drying tan to red-brown, deciduous or persisting as a rotten, black, formless mass on stems; petioles 40-80 (125) cm long (averaging 78.3 cm), 7-12 mm diam., terete, narrowly and obtusely sulcate, medium green, semiglossy; geniculum much swollen, weakly sulcate, 1.5-3.5 cm long; blades cordate, ovate-triangular, narrowly acuminate at apex, (34-)50-90 cm long, (23-)30-66 cm wide (averaging 62 x 43 cm), 1.4-1.7 times longer than broad, .7-.9 times longer than the petioles, broadest somewhat below point of petiole attachment, subcoriaceous, convex at the margins; anterior lobe 31-65 cm long, 30-66 cm wide; posterior lobe 10-26 cm long, 11-30 cm wide, directed inward; sinus spathulate, 7.5-24 cm deep; upper surface dark green, matte, raised below, darker than surface; collective vein originating from near base, 2-3 mm from margin; INFLORESCENCES spreading; peduncle 25-33 cm long, 4-5 mm diam.; spathe chartaceous, spreading, pale green, brittle, 12-28 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide; spadix green, tinged with red, becoming yellowish brown at anthesis, weakly glossy, curved, tapered, 18-28 cm long, 8-13 mm diam. at base, 3-6 mm at apex; tepals moderately glossy; pistils weakly exserted; pollen yellow-orange. Flowers 6-8 per primary spiral, 1.3-1.7 mm long, 1.6-2.0 mm wide.