Anthurium umbricola Engl.
Terrestrial or epiphytic; plants 30-150 cm tall; internodes 2.5-4 cm long, 5-10 mm diam., drying black; cataphylls 4--6 cm long, drying reddish brown, persisting semi-intact or as a reticulum of fibers at upper nodes, as a loosely organized reticulum of fibers lower nodes; petioles 12-28(42) cm long (averaging 20.3 cm), 2-4 mm diam., erect-spreading, drying dark brown, C-shaped, bluntly D-shaped with weakly erect margins, ranging from having a weak medial rib to being canaliculate; geniculum 1-1.3 cm long, drying black, darker than petiole or blade; blades narrowly ovate to ovate-elliptic, acuminate at apex, acute to rounded at base, 12-24 cm long, 7-13 cm wide (averaging 20 x 10 cm), 1.7-2.6 times longer than broad, .6-1.4 times longer than the petioles, broadest at or somewhat below middle, subcoriaceous to thinly coriaceous; both surfaces semiglossy, moderately bicolorous; upper surface drying dark reddish brown, lower surface drying moderately paler; midrib narrowly convex and slightly paler above, acute and slightly paler below, drying dark brown, similar in color to petiole below; primary lateral veins 11-14 per side, departing midrib at 45°-60° angles, etched to etched-sunken above, convex below; interprimary veins almost as prominent as primary lateral veins; collective vein arising from one of first primary lateral veins, 2-4 mm from margin; INFLORESCENCES erect to erect-spreading; peduncle 18-36 cm long, 1-3 mm diam., drying a medium reddish brown; spathe spreading to reflexed, chartaceous, green or reddish, linear, curled down along margins, 2-5 cm long, 2-3 mm wide; spadix medium green, stipitate, cylindroid, 5--6 cm long, 2-4 mm diam.; tepals medium green, semi-glossy; pistils yellowish. INFRUCTESCENCES (not fully mature) with tepals dark green, widely separated from one another; berries white, weakly emergent.