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Monstera adansonii var. laniata (Schott) Madison
Loosely climbing hemiepiphyte or appressed epiphyte; internodes to 20 cm long, 1.6-1.9 cm diam., medium to dark green, minutely or densely pale-speckled, semiglossy; petioles (20-)25-48 cm long (averaging 32.7 cm), 6-9 mm diam. at middle, sharply to broadly V-sulcate (especially in free portion), colored as internodes, matte; sheath erect or incurled on younger plants, with one side erect, one side incurled on older plants; geniculum sharply V-sulcate; blades oblong-elliptic, oblique, acuminate at apex, obtuse to rounded at base, 22-46 cm long, 10-22(-33) cm wide (averaging 37 x 19 cm), (1.4-)1.7-2.3 times longer than broad, 1-1.3 times longer than the petioles, broadest 113-112 of distance from base to apex, subcoriaceous to thinly coriaceous; upper surface dark green and semiglossy to moderately glossy; lower surface slightly paler and weakly glossy; midrib narrowly sunken and slightly discolorous along margin above, thicker than broad and much paler below; primary lateral veins 10-12 per side, narrowly sunken above, convex and paler below; interprimary veins weakly raised below, moderately obscure; tertiary veins few, mostly continuous to margin, darker than surface; INFLORESCENCES not seen.