Monstera adansonii var. laniata
Loosely climbing hemiepiphyte or appressed epiphyte; internodes to 20 cm long, 1.6-1.9 cm diam., medium to dark green, minutely or densely pale-speckled, semiglossy; petioles (20-)25-48 cm long (averaging 32.7 cm), 6-9 mm diam. at middle, sharply to broadly V-sulcate (especially in free portion), colored as internodes, matte; sheath erect or incurled on younger plants, with one side erect, one side incurled on older plants; geniculum sharply V-sulcate; blades oblong-elliptic, oblique, acuminate at apex, obtuse to rounded at base, 22-46 cm long, 10-22(-33) cm wide (averaging 37 x 19 cm), (1.4-)1.7-2.3 times longer than broad, 1-1.3 times longer than the petioles, broadest 113-112 of distance from base to apex, subcoriaceous to thinly coriaceous; upper surface dark green and semiglossy to moderately glossy; lower surface slightly paler and weakly glossy; midrib narrowly sunken and slightly discolorous along margin above, thicker than broad and much paler below; primary lateral veins 10-12 per side, narrowly sunken above, convex and paler below; interprimary veins weakly raised below, moderately obscure; tertiary veins few, mostly continuous to margin, darker than surface; INFLORESCENCES not seen.
Monstera adansonii v. laniata is wide-ranging in the Neotropics, extending from Nicaragua to Panama and Colombia and east to Curacao, Tobago, Venezuela, the Guianas and south to Ecuador, northeastern Peru and Brazil, at elevations of 0-1,800 m, primarily below 700 m, in Tropical dry forest, Tropical moist forest, Tropical wet forest and Premontane wet forest life zones. At La Planada, this species is apparently widespread, having been collected along the trail above La Posada, on the flat, swampy area south of Sendero Natural, in the primary forest and margins of old pasture along Sendero La Vieja, and along Sendero La Rosa to Potrero de Hermogenes.