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Philodendron panduriforme var. reichenbachianum (Schott) Croat
Hemiepiphyte, loosely climbing to 1.5-3 m on trees. Juvenile plants with internodes 3-9 cm long, to 1 cm diam., the dried epidermis light brown, ridged longitudinally and cracked perpendicular to axis. LEAVES with petioles 8-12 cm long, ca. 5 mm diam.; blades oblong-oblanceolate, 22-27.5 cm long, 7-7.7 cm wide, broadest well above the middle, narrowest about 5 cm above the base (3.9-5.1 cm wide) just above the slightly flaring "lateral lobes" (these together 4.9-6.1 cm wide), narrowly long-acuminate at apex, broadly cute to weakly attentuate at base. Adult plant with stems elongate to 3 m or more long, sometimes branching; roots 1- several at each node, mostly less than 15 cm long, 3-4 mm diam.; internodes 3-10 cm long, 1-2.5 cm diam, dark green, turning light brown, semiglossy, somewhat flattened on one side, drying tan and deeplyfissured longitudinally with large segments loosening on drying; cataphylls green, thin, sharply 2-ribbed, the ribs not prominently raised, promptly deciduous. LEAVES with petioles slightly spongy, obtusely D-shaped in cross-section, with an obtuse medial rib adaxially near the base, broadly convex abaxially near the apex, to 28.5 cm long, ca. 6 mm diam.; blades moderately coriaceous, to 47 cm long, ca. 20 cm wide, broadest across the lateral lobes, more or less panduriform, the medial lobe ca. 38 cm long, ca 14.3 cm wide, broadest well above the middle, briefly acuminate at apex, gradually tapered toward the base and ca. 6 cm wide at its narrowest point (ca. 10.5 cm above the base); lateral lobes bluntly hastate to almost rounded, slightly directed toward the base or spreading outward at a 90° angle to the midrib, ca. 13 cm long; blade surface dark green and semi-glossy above, much paler and matte on lower surface; midrib broadly convex above, prominent, scarcely paler than the surface, more or less concolorous and convex below; primary lateral veins arising at a 50-60° angle from the midrib, slightly and obtusely sunken above, raised and convex below (only slightly more prominent than laterals on drying); minor veins obscurely visible below. INFLORESCENCE solitary, much shorter than the petioles; peduncles slender, to 10.5 cm long, terete, ca. 5 mm diam.; spathe green (post anthesis) drying reddish brown, 9.7 cm long, weakly constricted ca. 4.5 cm above the base, weakly coriaceous; spadix 9.5 cm long, the pistillate portion ca. 4.5 cm long, the upper 5 spirals of flowers not pollinated, pistils ca. 5 mm long; stigma with a thick button-like center, depressed medially and with a broad, irregularly rounded skirt around it to 8-9 mm diam., its margin erose; spadix with staminate portion 5 cm long; sterile staminate portion with flowers in 2 spirals, slightly thicker than the fertile staminate portion, the flowers irregular, ca. 2 mm long and 1.6 mm wide at apex, weakly sulcate medially; fertile staminate portion cylindroid, tapered to a blunt tip, the flowers flattened at apex, very irregularly 4-5 sided, 0.3-1 mm diam. INFRUCTESCENCE with immature fruits white, 3.5-4.0 mm long (dried); mature fruits not known.