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Philodendron radiatum var. radiatum
Internodes 3--7 cm long, 3--8 cm diam.; cataphylls blunting to sharply 2-ribbed. LEAVES: Petioles 33--108 cm long; blades deeply lobed, the divisions near the middle of the blade extendig more than 3/4 the way to the midrib, 21--101 cm long, 25--90 cm wide; posterior lobes (8)12.5--25 cm long, (9)16--18 cm wide; primary lateral veins 3--8 cm long; basal veins 4(5) per side, (1)2--4 coalesced to 3 cm long, naked 1--6 cm. INFLORESCENCES 1--3(4) per axil; spathe 11--25 cm long; spadix 10--13 cm long; pistillate portion 3.5--5.2 cm long; pistils (3)4--5(8) mm long; ovaries with axile placentation; style similar to style type B (rarely C).