Arisaema jethompsonii Thiyagaraj & P.Daniel
Perennial, monoecious or dioecious herb, 40- 100 cm high, glabrous; corm subglobose, 1.5 - 2 (5) cm across. Cataphylls 1 - 3, up to 35 cm long, membranous, mottled with white-purple markings. Leaves 2 (- 3); petioles slender, up to 50 cm long, mottled with white-purple markings, closely sheathing at the base up to ?4 of their length and forming a pseudostem; leaflets 5 - 7, pedate, short-petiolulate, narrowly elliptic, 6- 25 x 2.5- 8 cm, attenuate at the base, entire to faintly undulate-crenate along the margins, acuminate at the apex, green above, glossy beneath; lateral nerves 12 - 15 on each side, impressed above, arising at an angle of 45o with the midnerve, arcuate at the margin. Peduncle slender, :/4 enclosed by the leaf-sheath, exserted up to 12 cm from the pseudostem; tube of the spathe cylindric, 4 - 5 cm long; limb ovate, acuminate, leaning in front, notched at the base, 4- 5 cm long, with longitudinal dark purple stripes on a whitish background; spadix slender, cylindric, 6 -8 cm long, extending slightly above the mouth of the spathe. Staminate-flowered portion up to 3 cm long; staminate flowers numerous, lax; anthers 1- 4, globose, 2- lobed; lobes oblong, dehiscence longitudinal; stalk 1- 2 mm long, beaked between the anthers, green. Pistillate-flowered portion up to 1 cm long; pistillate flowers 25 - 45, spiral; ovary ovoid, c. 3 x 1 mm; ovules 2 - 4 at the base; style minute; stigma discoid. Appendix c. 4.5 cm long, cylindric, faintly tapering above, distinctly curved, warted and obtuse at the apex. Berries globose, 20- 40, red; seeds 2- 4, white.