Xanthosoma sagittifolium
Herb up to 2 m tall, robust. Stems hypogeous in young plants, erect, cylindric, 7-9 cm in diameter, densely covered by brown fibers, producing cormels that are cylindric at base and globose at apex, adult plant producing a stout columnar stem, up to 15 cm diam. Leaves 4-7 per plant; petioles 80-160 cm long, green, poorly waxy, sheathed up to 1/2 of its length, sheath margins erect to slightly convolute; leaf blade 60-97 x 30-44 cm, subhastate in young plants, sagittate and ovate in mature plants, reflexed to sub-patent, semi-matte dark green adaxially, paler matte green abaxially, primary lateral veins 5-8 per side, arising at an angle of 45-80°, poorly discolorous to concolorous adaxially, concolorous abaxially, apex acuminate; basal ribs not denuded at all, basal lobes acute to cuneate at apex. Inflorescence 1-3 per axil, peduncle 16-17 x 1.5-2 cm, spathe 23-32 cm long, tube ovoid, 7-10 x 4-5 cm, clear green and moderately waxy outSide, whitish green inside, lamina 15-16 x 5.0-6.5 cm, ivory white in both surfaces, spadix 17-25 cm long, fertile male portion 9.5-13 x 1.3-2.2 cm, tapering to the apex to obtuse, sterile male portion 3-5 x 1.7-2.5 cm, white, only weakly dimorphic, female portion conoid, 4-6 x 1.5-2 cm, pale yellow.
Antilles, mainly Jamaica and Hispaniola.