Xanthosoma undipes
Terrestrial, stems mostly 1-4 m long, internodes to 20 cm diam., the leaf scars ca. 30 em apart midway on tnmk, but leaves closely clustered at apex; internodes brown and scurfy, to 6 em long to 30 cm apart midway on trunk, 10-20 cm diam. on adult plants; petioles to nearly 1 m long, erect spreading, yellow-green, moderately glossy, terete, somewhat spongy, sheathed to 2/3 their length, about as long as the blades; blades broadly ovate, acute to obtuse at apex, prominently sagittate at base, to over 1 m long, to 85 em wide, broadest at or somewhat below point of petiole attachment; upper surface medium green and weakly glossy to matte, thinly coriaceous; lower surface markedly paler, somewhat bicolorous, and matte; anterior lobe to 65 cm long, 75 cm wide; posterior lobes to 50 cm long, 43 cm wide; sinus narrowly parabolic, to 30 cm deep; midrib broadly raised, slightly paler and semiglossy above, round-raised, matte and slightly paler below; primary lateral veins ca. 12 per side, departing midrib at 60°-75° angles, ascending to collective vein, round-raised, slightly paler, and semiglossy above, round-raised, paler, and matte below; tertiary veins in part weakly sunken above, raised below; reticulate veins in part distinct below; INFLORESCENCES several per axil; peduncle 14-16 cm long (in other parts of its range 8.5-34 cm), somewhat flattened, pale green, matte; spathe erect, 7-10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide; spathe tube to 6.5 cm long, pale green, tinged purple on front edge outside, weakly glossy, dark reddish purple inside, becoming purple-brown within post-anthesis) spathe blade white on both surfaces; spadix 10-18 cm long pistillate portion orange and staminate portion creamy-white, the sterile staminate portion creamy yellow. INFRUCTESCENCES erect; spadix 3-4 cm long, 2-3 cm diam., broadest at middle; berries pale green to greenish yellow.
Xanthosoma undipes widely ranges from Belize, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Colombia (Antioquia, Narino, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica, Ecuador (Canar, Carchi, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Los Rios, Manabi, Napo, Pichincha), Honduras, Mexico (Veracruz), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru (Cajamarca, Junin, Madre de Dios, Pasco), Suriname to Venezuela (Amazonas, Aragua, Miranda, Sucre, Tachira, Yaracuy), at elevations of 20-2,900 m, primarily above 800 m, in Premontane wet forest and Tropical wet forest, Montane rain forest life zones.