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Zantedeschia elliottiana (W.Watson) Engl.
Plant robust, up to 60 cm tall. LEAVES deciduous, glabrous; blade up to 27 cm long and 27 cm broad, sometimes slightly longer than broad, orbicular-ovate, deeply cordate, apiculate, green with many translucent white spots; petiole more or less as long as the blade, occasionally much longer. Peduncle about 40 cm long. INFLORESCENCE: Spathe up to 13 cm long, funnel-shaped above, campanulate below, bright "golden yellow" throughout, immaculate and smooth within, tip caudate. Spadix up to 7 cm long, lengths of male and female zones variable, pollen orange yellow; ovaries green. INFRUCTESCENCE:Fruit a cluster of berries up to 2.5 cm in diam.