Zantedeschia elliottiana (Araceae)
Plant robust, up to 60 cm tall. LEAVES deciduous, glabrous; blade up to 27 cm long and 27 cm broad, sometimes slightly longer than broad, orbicular-ovate, deeply cordate, apiculate, green with many translucent white spots; petiole more or less as long as the blade, occasionally much longer. Peduncle about 40 cm long. INFLORESCENCE: Spathe up to 13 cm long, funnel-shaped above, campanulate below, bright "golden yellow" throughout, immaculate and smooth within, tip caudate. Spadix up to 7 cm long, lengths of male and female zones variable, pollen orange yellow; ovaries green. INFRUCTESCENCE:Fruit a cluster of berries up to 2.5 cm in diam.
Spathe without a purple-brown blotch at the base. Although the spathe is somewhat similar to those of Z. pendtlandii and Z. juncunda in shape and colour, the species can de distinguished from these two by the orbicular-ovate leaves.