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Philodendron nullinervium E.G.Gonç.
Hemiepiphytic herb. Stems green when young, becoming brown, alternating long and short internodes; internodes 1-13 X 1.8-2.5 cm, slightly flattened against the substrate. LEAVES: prophylls green, strongly two-keeled, deciduous, 7-23 cm long, sometimes curled; petioles 41-45 X 0.8-1.2 cm, terete, green, purplish at the apex, flaking at the apex when dry; sheath very short, up to 1 cm long; leaf blade fiddle-shaped, overall dimensions 33-42 X 17-22 cm, fresh leaves medium glossy green adaxially, slightly bluish (pinkish when young) and glossy adaxially, drying glossy brown on both surfaces; anterior division ovate, 27-33 X 14-22 cm, primary lateral veins not visible in either dry or fresh material, minor veins arising at a 50-70° angle, midrib reddish or pinkish abaxially, flaking when dried, apex long-acuminate, acumen 1.4-2 cm; posterior divisions 9-15 X 17-21.5 cm, posterior lobes oblique, elliptic to obovate, apex rounded, basio-scopic portion 2.5-3.5 cm wide, basal rib not at all naked. INFLORESCENCES usually solitary; peduncles 25-27 X 0.5-1 cm; spathe 8-8.8 cm long; tube green to whitish-pink outside, purple inside, 3.5-4 X 2-2.5 cm, lamina green with white margins outside, pinkish-white inside, 4.5-5 X 2.5-3 cm; spadix slightly longer than spathe, 6.5-9 cm long, fertile male portion 3.5-5 X 1-1.2 cm, producing abundant red resin, rounded to obtuse at apex, sterile male portion 0.5-0.6 X 1.1-1.3 cm, female portion 3-3.5 X 1.2-1.3 cm. Flowers: male flowers 3-5-andric, subprismatic to obpyr-amidal, 1-2 X 1 mm; staminodes 6-7 X 1-2 mm, usually eaten by beetles; gynoeci-um prismatic, 3-4 mm long, stigma ca. 1 mm diam., ovary 1-1.5 mm diam., 7-8 loc-ules, each locule 3-4 ovules attached at the middle of the flower axis, ovules elongated, funicles shorter than the ovules, with long trichomes at base. INFRUCTESCENCES: Berries unknown.