Anthurium josei
Epiphytic herb to 30 cm; stem short, subterete, drying brown; internodes very short, 5-7 mm diam.; roots dense, 1-2 mm diam.; cataphylls to 6 cm, acicular at apex, drying grayish green, soon weathering to fibers and only ca. 1 cm of the base of the fibers persisting, stramineous, thin. LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles 8.3-17.8 cm, 1-2 mm diam., semi-erect, terete, narrowly sulcate, drying medium gray-green; sheath 0.8 cm; geniculum 0.8-1.3 cm; blades 14.1-21.4 x 3.1-4.2 cm, 5.1 x longer than wide, 1.4-1.6 x longer than petioles, narrowly oblanceolate with short and narrow closely aligned posterior lobes and narrow sinus, broadest in the distal 1/3, gradually acuminate at apex, subcoriaceous, drying matte, grayish green on adaxial surface, grayish yellow-green on abaxial surface; posterior lobes 1.4 2.4 x 1.1-1.8 cm, directed toward the base, slightly longer than broad, broadly rounded to narrowly rounded at apex; sinus 8-20 mm deep, very narrow to closed with posterior lobes weakly overlapping; midrib weakly raised adaxially, drying paler than surface and weakly 3-ribbed near the base, promi nently raised and paler abaxially, drying weakly and irregularly ribbed; primary lateral veins 5 to 8 pairs, straight, arising at 20°-40° angle; interprimary veins present; basal veins 4-5 pairs, the 1st pair free to the base, the 2nd pair almost free, the 3rd and 4th weakly fused into a posterior rib 3-7 mm; posterior rib not naked along the sinus; collective veins arising from the 1st pair of basal veins; tertiary veins prominulous abaxially, the surface somewhat granular on high magnification on drying. INFLORESCENCE erect; peduncle ca. 7.5 cm, drying like petioles, ca. 2 mm diam.; spathe erect-spreading, subcoriaceous, narrowly lanceolate, acute to apex, ca. 4 x 0.8 cm, greenish yellow; spadix ca. 6 cm, ca. 0.3 cm diam., cylindric, green; stipe to 2.9 cm, drying ca. 1 mm diam. Flowers square, sides straight, ca. 1 x 1 mm; 4 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 5 flowers visible in the alternate spiral; tepals 3-sided, inner margins broadly convex; stigmas slit-like; thecae slightly divaricate. INFRUCTESCENCE not seen.
Conservation for Anthurium josei must be considered as Data Deficient (DD) according to IUCN Red List criteria (IUCN, 2001). Because the species is known only from a single collection, it remains in need of further investigation against future conservation efforts. The region of La Divisora is steep and has many endemic species. It is possible that the area might qualify for protected status.
Planta epiphytica, 30 cm; internodia brevia, 5-7 mm diam.; cataphylla 6 cm longa; petiolus 8.3-17.8 cm longus; lamina 14.1-21.4 cm longa, 3.1-4.2 cm lata, lobulis posterioribus 1.4-2.4 cm longis, 1.1-1.8 cm latis, nervis primariis later alibus utrinque 5 ad 8; pedunculus ca. 7.5 cm longus; spadix ca. 6 cm longa, viridis, stipitata, stipite ca. 2.9 cm longo.
Anthurium josei is known only from the type locality in Huainuco Department and seems to be endemic to La Divisora area at 1500 to 1600 m elevation in Premontane wet forest transition to Tropical (P-wf/T).