Anthurium alluriquinense
Terrestrial; juvenile plants with internodes to 8 cm long with petioles 20-25 cm long, terete, narrowly and obscurely sulcate to flattened adaxially, medium green, semiglossy; blades 20-30 cm long, 8-11 cm wide; adult internodes short 1.8-4 cm diam.; cataphylls dark brown, semi-intact at apex, but with loose, semi-organized, red-brown fibers lower on stem, 6-8 cm long; petioles 75-107(-142) cm long (averaging 93.2 cm), 5-8 mm diam. at middle, medium green, weakly glossy, moderately flexible, and many-ribbed circumferentially, sharply C-shaped, sulcate with narrow, bluntly acute-raised margins, many-ribbed circumferentially or sometimes acutely ridged along one side near the base, the opposite side faintly 3-ribbed, semiglossy, medium to dark green, drying light to dark brown; blades ovate to narrowly ovate-elliptic to triangular-ovate, caudate-acuminate at apex, 36-58(-78) cm long, 18-33(-42) cm wide (averaging 50 x 27 cm), 1.6-2.6 times longer than wide, .4-.8 times as long as petiole, subcoriaceous, dark green and semiglossy to matte-sub-velvety above, slightly paler to moderately paler and almost matte to weakly glossy to semiglossy below, subcoriaceous; anterior lobe 31-48(-72) cm long, margins convex; posterior lobes 6-10 cm long, 11-14 cm wide, directed inward, often overlapping, directed toward base, 4-10 cm long, 8-13 cm wide; sinus triangular, 2-8 cm deep; basal veins 5-7 pairs, normally free to base, on occasion 4th and 5th fused at about 1 cm, all join collective vein; midrib narrowly rounded and paler above, convex at base becoming bluntly acute toward apex, round-raised and paler below with marginal acute ribs or many-ribbed below, often acutely 5-ridged below; primary lateral veins 13-15(-20) pairs usually offset, arising at 20-45(-60)°, slightly to deeply sunken and concolorous above, round-raised to raised knife-like and slightly paler below; collective vein arising from lowermost basal vein, 3-4 mm from margin; tertiary veins weak and sunken above, some are more obvious below. INFLORESCENCES erect or erect-spreading; peduncle (10-)25-57 cm long, 27 mm diam., dries typically to brown; spathe 4.5-8 cm long, 1.0-1.5 cm diam., pale green to almost white, tinged with maroon or purple on inner surface, the margins wavy, sometimes reflexed, usually prominently twisted or undulate along the margins; spadix cylindroid, 5-15 cm long, .5-1.2 cm diam., pinkish to dark violet-purple. Flowers 6-8 on primary spiral, 1.5-2.0 mm long, 1.4-1.7 mm wide; the tepals glossy to semiglossy, becoming brownish; pistils early emergent. INFRUCTESCENCES 17-24 cm long, 22-27 mm diam. with berries partly emergent; berries exserted, ovate, acute at apex, 8-10 mm long, 4-5 mm diam., pointed at apex, bright red in apical 1/2-3/5, white below; seeds greenish white, 4-5 mm long, 3 mm wide, 2 mm thick with a short sticky appendage.
Anthurium alluriquinense ranges from Colombia (Nariflo) to Ecuador (Carchi, Pichincha, EI Oro) at elevations of 740-1,800 m in Premontane wet forest, Lower montane moist forest, Lower montane wet forest and Montane wet forest. It has mostly been collected in Pichincha Province especially on the slopes of Volcan Pichincha. In Colombia it is known only from the area of Ricaurte and at the Rio Nambi near Altaquer. At La Planada it is apparently rare, having been collected only along the trail to EI Hondon (except for one specimen with no specific location on label). It must be noted, however, that this trail has not been thoroughly explored due to time constraints; thus, this species may be more abundant in that particular area.