Stenospermation olgae
Epiphyte; internodes elongate, the uppermost to ca. 1 cm long, soon more elongate, to at least 3 cm long, 1 cm diam. (drying to ca. 6 mm diam.) drying reddish brown, matte, conspicuously, finely and irregularly folded; petioles 19-22 cm long, drying fmely striate, sheathed 0.63-0.79 their length, the sheath decurrent at apex, the free portion weakly sulcate; blades oblong-elliptic, narrowly acuminate at apex, obtuse to acute and attenuate at base, 16.2-23 cm long, 4.7-6.5 cm wide (averaging 20 x 5.8 cm), 2.9-3.4 times longer than wide, 0.7-1.2 times length of the petioles, equilateral or weakly inequilateral (one side 2-3 mm wider), drying dark gray-brown and matte above, medium yellow-brown and semiglossy below; midrib drying deeply sunken and concolorous above, thickly convex, slightly darker and finely striate below; primary lateral veins not at all obvious above or below when fresh, the dried upper surface with some thicker veins spaced 6-8 mm apart, these moderately straight and not intersected with cross-veins, the intervening space semiglossy with magnification above 7X and with the minor veins very close and heavily broken up with conspicuous cross-veins, with pale short cellular inclusions very sparse, located most frequently toward the margins; dried lower surface uniformly and minutely striolate, lacking any sign of cross-veins or pale short cellular inclusions. INFLORESCENCES erect; peduncle 32 cm long, drying dark brown, serniglossy, 1.5 mm diam.; spathe white, 10.5 cm long, 1 cm wide when furled, conspicuously long-acuminate; spadix 6 mm long, yellow, drying 4 mm diam. Flowers more or less regularly hexagonal, drying dark brown, matte, 2.5-2.7 mm wide; stigma oblong, drying blackened, 0.6-0.8 mm long.
Stenospermation olgae is known only from the type locality at La Planada at 1,800 m in Premontane wet forest life zone.