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Stenospermation benavidesae Croat
Family: AraceaeGenus: Stenospermation
Epiphytic vine; cataphylls lacking; internodes 1.2-3 cm long, drying 5-7 mm diam., pale yellowish brown, matte, closely and finely longitudinally ridged and closely transverse-fissured lower down the stem; petioles slender, 9-12.5 cm long (averaging 10.7), 3-4 mm diam.) counting the sheath at the broadest portion, sheathed to the geniculum and gradually tapered to the apex, drying dark brown, finely ribbed on the sheath, the geniculum 0.8--1.5 cm long, shrunken on drying, ca. 1 mm diam.; blades narrowly oblong-elliptic to oblong-oblanceolate, (9.5-)13-19 cm long, (2.6-)3.8-5.2 cm wide, 1.2-1.8 times longer than the petioles, somewhat inequilateral, one side 2-3 mm wider, gradually acuminate at apex, narrowly acute at the base, drying dark brown and matte above, slightly pale, semiglossy and yellow-brown below; primary lateral veins not at all obvious on dried leaves; upper surface with minor veins weakly raised, closely parallel, the veins as well as the interveinal area densely and minutely papillate at high magnification with short, pale cellular inclusions visible (these not visible to naked eye but readily visible at lOX magnification). INFLORESCENCES erect after flowering; peduncle 8-9 cm long, drying 1.5 mm wide, dark yellow-brown; spathe greenish white, 9 cm long, 1 cm wide when furled; spadix weakly stipitate 2 mm, 5-5.8 cm long, 5.5 mm diam., styles drying matte, dark brown, irregularly 4-5-sided, 2-2.6 mm wide; stigma oblong, 0.6 mm long, 0.2 mm wide, slightly raised.