Xanthosoma herrerae
Terrestrial, to 1.8 m high; internodes short, ca. 3 cm diam.; petioles to 141 cm long, greenish black and glossy, drying medium yellow-brown near the base, otherwise dark brown to almost blackish in part, finely ribbed longitudinally and matte, drying; cataphylls whitish; blades 56 cm long, 38 cm wide, 1.4 times longer than broad, ca. 0.3 times as long as the petioles, dark green and matte above, slightly paler and weakly glossy below, drying somewhat yellowish green on both surface; anterior lobe 32.5 cm, broadly rounded along margin; posterior lobes 28 cm long, 12.5 cm wide; sinus 21.5 cm deep, 8 cm wide; primary lateral veins 3-4 pair, arising at 70-80° angle, sunken and concolorous above, narrowly rounded and drying darker below; basal veins 11 (-12) pairs, drying darker than surface, the 1st pair free to the base, the posterior rib straight to the apex of the lobe, naked to 3 cm, with the basal veins more or less evenly branching off the rib, ca. 6-7 acroscopic, 6-7 basioscopic. INFLORESCENCES with peduncles to 43 cm long, medium green, marked with lilac-purple, drying 5 mm diam., blackened; spathe 14.7 long, tube 1.5 cm diam., green outside; purple-violet inside, blade white, 2.5 cm wide when flattened; spadix 11.7 cm long; pistillate portion greenish yellow, 1.7 cm long on front side; staminate portion white 10.7 em long, the sterile staminate portion ca. 4 cm long, 4 mm diam., the fertile portion 8 mm diam. at its broadest point.
Xanthosoma herrerae is endemic to Colombia (Narino), known only from La Planada at elevation of 1,820 m. It occurs only in Premontane wet forest.