Monstera planadensis Croat
Hemiepiphyte climber, often appressed; internodes short, to 6 cm diam.; petioles 28-53 cm long (averaging 45 cm), 6-11 cm diam. at middle, sheathed throughout much of length, minutely speckled, drying dark brown to blackened, finely ribbed; sheath erect, the margins often deciduous; geniculum sharply sulcate; blades ovate-oblong, acute to apiculate at apex, slightly oblique and weakly subcordate at base, (30-)55-60 cm long, (19-)29-34 cm wide (averaging 57 X 31 cm), 1.5-1.8 times longer than wide, 1.2-2 times longer than the petioles, broadest near 1/3 of distance from base to apex, entire and eperforate to perforate with holes ellipsoid, 0.6 mm to 6.5 cm long, 0.4-1.3 cm wide, inequilateral, one side 1-2 cm wider, moderately coriaceous, semiglossy on both surfaces, slightly bicolorous, dark green above, slightly paler below, drying semiglossy, dark brown to dark gray-brown above, yellow-brown below; surfaces with tertiary veins prominulous on both surfaces with oblique cross-veins extending throughout most of the distance from the midrib to the margin; sinus to 2 cm deep; midrib flat and slightly paler above, thicker than broad and moderately paler below, drying sunken and concolorous above, convex and finely ribbed below; primary lateral veins arising at an acute angle, arising at 60-80(-100)° angle, 22-25 per side, 3-5 of these clustered in the lower 1 cm from the base, narrowly sunken above, prominently convex and creamy-white below, drying scarcely raised and slightly paler above, convex, paler and minutely ridged irregularly below. INFLORESCENCES 1 per axil; peduncle 28--34 cm long, 5-7 mm diam. at middle; spathe deciduous; spadix 20-23(-30) cm long, 3.7-4.5 cm diam., whitish at anthesis; pistils 3-5 mm diam., the style pale brown, the stigma oblong, 0.7-0.8 mm long. INFRUCTESCENCES with berries greenish white.