Monstera planadensis
Hemiepiphyte climber, often appressed; internodes short, to 6 cm diam.; petioles 28-53 cm long (averaging 45 cm), 6-11 cm diam. at middle, sheathed throughout much of length, minutely speckled, drying dark brown to blackened, finely ribbed; sheath erect, the margins often deciduous; geniculum sharply sulcate; blades ovate-oblong, acute to apiculate at apex, slightly oblique and weakly subcordate at base, (30-)55-60 cm long, (19-)29-34 cm wide (averaging 57 X 31 cm), 1.5-1.8 times longer than wide, 1.2-2 times longer than the petioles, broadest near 1/3 of distance from base to apex, entire and eperforate to perforate with holes ellipsoid, 0.6 mm to 6.5 cm long, 0.4-1.3 cm wide, inequilateral, one side 1-2 cm wider, moderately coriaceous, semiglossy on both surfaces, slightly bicolorous, dark green above, slightly paler below, drying semiglossy, dark brown to dark gray-brown above, yellow-brown below; surfaces with tertiary veins prominulous on both surfaces with oblique cross-veins extending throughout most of the distance from the midrib to the margin; sinus to 2 cm deep; midrib flat and slightly paler above, thicker than broad and moderately paler below, drying sunken and concolorous above, convex and finely ribbed below; primary lateral veins arising at an acute angle, arising at 60-80(-100)° angle, 22-25 per side, 3-5 of these clustered in the lower 1 cm from the base, narrowly sunken above, prominently convex and creamy-white below, drying scarcely raised and slightly paler above, convex, paler and minutely ridged irregularly below. INFLORESCENCES 1 per axil; peduncle 28--34 cm long, 5-7 mm diam. at middle; spathe deciduous; spadix 20-23(-30) cm long, 3.7-4.5 cm diam., whitish at anthesis; pistils 3-5 mm diam., the style pale brown, the stigma oblong, 0.7-0.8 mm long. INFRUCTESCENCES with berries greenish white.
Monstera planadensis is endemic to the type locality at La Planada (from which it gets its name) at 1,750 to 1,780 m elevation in Premontane wet forest. In La Planada, this species was seen as an adult on only two occasions, the first along the ridge at the end of the trail up the slope above La Posada (near the edge of the forest at the beginning of the second parcel of forest beyond the first pasture).