Anthurium quinindense Croat
Terrestrial; stems to c. 1 m long; internodes short, 1.5 – 4 cm diam.; cataphylls 9.5 – 21 cm long, narrowly rounded with a short apiculum at apex, yellow-green, soft and pliable, papery thin and drying light brown, weakly 1-ribbed, persisting semi-intact at upper nodes, drying pale brown with close, pale fibres closely parallel. Leaves with petiole 39 – 74 cm long, 8 mm diam. midway, subterete, obtusely flattened and weakly and narrowly sulcate, dark green, matte-subvelvety to semiglossy; geniculum 3.4 – 4 cm long, 9 mm diam.; blade ovate-sagittate, 46 – 99 × 48 – 66.5 cm, broadest near petiole attachment, 1.3 – 2.3 × longer than broad, as long as petioles, dark green, glossy to weakly glossy above, moderately paler and weakly glossy below; anterior lobe 33.5 – 84.5 cm long, broadly convex along margin; posterior lobes 24 – 28 × 15.3 – 19.5 cm; basal veins 9(–10), the first free to the base, the remainder branching off the posterior rib at regular intervals, the fifth and higher orders fused to 11 cm long, posterior rib 12.5 cm long, naked to 9 – 11.5 cm; sinus 14 – 22.5 cm deep, 11 – 22 cm wide; midrib bluntly acute and slightly paler above, narrowly round-raised and moderately paler below; primary lateral veins 9 – 13, narrowly and bluntly acute, concolorous above, narrowly raised and paler below; tertiary veins moderately obscure above, darker than surface, in part weakly raised below; collective veins arising from one of the lowermost primary lateral veins or the first pair of basal veins, 3 – 8 mm from margin, moderately loop-connecting with primary lateral veins. Inflorescence erect; peduncle 11 – 18.5 cm long, 6 – 7 mm diam., dark green, matte; spathe green, 13.5 – 15 × 1.5 cm, soon withering, turning light brown; spadix 23.3 – 42 cm long, 1.1 cm diam. at base, 8 – 9 mm diam. midway, 5 – 6 mm diam. at 1 cm from apex, maroon to dark purple [B & K blue-purple 2/10], semiglossy; flowers sub-4-lobed, 13 – 15 visible per spiral, 2.2 – 2.3 × 2 – 2.4 mm; lateral tepals 1.2 – 1.3 mm wide, obtusely shield-shaped, the outer margin weakly 3-sided; stamens emergent 1 – 1.5 mm at anthesis before retracting, anthers 0.8 × 0.25 mm, the thecae scarcely divaricate; pollen pale yellow. Infructescence erect-spreading; berries purplish violet, emerging before maturity.