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Alocasia hypnosa J.T.Yin, Y.H.Wang & Z.F.Xu
Terrestrial or lithophytic, seasonally dormant herbs to 100 cm tall. Stem an erect or tuber-like rhizome with numerous stolons and tubercles; rhizome 10 × 13.5 cm; stolons numerous per plant, simple, trailing horizontally or pendent, 56–110 cm long, pale green, internodes cylindrical, 5.5 × 1cm, with light green cataphylls and tubercles produced terminally; tubercles to 4 × 3 cm. Leaves 3–6 per plant; petiole terete, to 104 × 3–7.5 cm, light greenish, glossy; petiolar sheath to 50 cm long, membranous; leaf blade triangular-sagittate, to 82 × 64 cm; basal lobes naked in the sinus, membranaceous, glossy bright green; primary lateral veins pinnate, 8 pairs per side, conspicuous; interprimary veins forming a feeble collecting vein. Inflorescences 2–3 together, appearing with leaves; peduncle cylindrical, to 90 cm long, pale green; spathe to 28 cm long, constricted between lower convolute part and spathe limb; lower spathe fusiform, ca 6.5 × 3 cm, green; spathe limb oblong-lanceolate, to 24 × 20 cm (flattened), hooded, purple-pink to almost white, erect at anthesis, later flopping forwards, then deliquescent; spadix sessile, shorter than spathe; pistillate flower zone cylindrical, 1.5 × 2 cm; ovaries oblong, 5 mm long, style short, stigma 3–4-lobed; sterile interstice cylindrical, 5.5 × 1–1.5cm; synandrodes depressed, apex nearly truncate or concave, oblong to ovate; staminate flower zone cylindrical, ca 3.5 × 2 cm, white; synandria 5–6–merous, truncate; appendix white, elongate-conical, to 16.5 × 2.5 cm. Fruiting spathe ellipsoid, ca 3 × 2.5 cm; fruits ellipsoid, ca 1.5 × 0.5 cm, green, ripening scarlet.