Anthurium membranaceum
Epiphyte or terrestrial; stem 20-100 cm long; internodes 1-4 cm long, (0.5-)1-1.5(-3) cm diam., medium green, semi-glossy; cataphylls marcescent with fragments of epidermis remaining; petiole 18-55 cm (averaging 33) long, 2-9 mm diam., .9-2.4 (averaging 1.5 cm), sharply and narrowly flattened, sometimes subterete with weak, sometimes subterete with a medial rib or with acute marginal ribs, matte or weakly semiglossy, medium green; geniculum 5-35 mm long, 3-9 mm diam.; blades pendent, 34-72(-80) cm 13-26 (-33) cm wide, (averaging 47 x 19 cm) (2.1-) 2.5-3.3 (averaging 2.7) longer than wide, 1.2-1.8 times longer than petioles, elliptic to narrowly ovate, narrowly acuminate at apex, acute, obtuse to cuneate or rounded at base, thinly coriaceous, moderately bicolorous, dark green above, paler below, matte to semiglossy on both surfaces; midrib narrow, convex and slightly pale above, convex, more prominently raised and paler below; primary lateral veins 15-27 pairs, spreading at 50-60° angle in the middle of the blade, to 70° near the base, narrowly sunken above, raised below, concolorous; minor veins quilted, weakly sunken above, weakly raised below; basal veins 3 free to base, outermost extending to blade margin, at times forming collective veins, the inner pair of basal veins usually forming the collective veins, .4-1 cm from the margin; the middle pair of basal veins also at times forming a collective vein ca. 3 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCES erect to erect-spreading; peduncle terete, erect, pale green, 5.5-28 cm long (averaging 20) long, 2-4 mm diam.; spathe lanceolate, 7.5-20 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, broadest near the base, pale green to pale yellow, reflexed or reflexed-spreading, semiglossy outside, glossy inside; spadix gradually tapered to the rather pointed apex, pale yellow, greenish yellow, yellow-green, pale green or creamy white, sometimes tinged with purple, glossy, nearly sessile, 6-28 cm (averaging 12.5 cm) long, 5-7 rum diam. Flowers 5-7 on principal spiral, 2.0-2.3 rum long, 1.6-1.8 mm wide. INFRUCTESCENCES with berries yellow-green.
Anthurium membranaceum is known from Colombia (Narioo) to Ecuador (Carchi, Esmeraldas), at elevations of 100 to 2,000 m (in Narino and Carchi mostly above 1,200 m, and in Esmeraldas mostly below 800 m) in Tropical moist forest, Premontane wet forest, Tropical wet forest, Premontane rain forest and Lower montane wet forest life zones. In Carchi it is found at Gualpi Chico, Tu1can Canton above Maldanado, Gualpi Medio (900 m) and in Esmeraldas it is found in Parroquia Tobar Donoso in the AW:1 Reserve. It is common in both the regrowth forest and primary forest at La Planada.