Anthurium gerherrerae
Hemiepiphytic vine, in part pendent from trees; internodes mostly alternating long and short, the shorter ones only ca. 5 mm apart, each with spreading cataphyll fibers, the longer ones 2.5-9 cm long, 2.5-4 mm diam., drying greenish, closely and prominently ridged on drying, in part densely reddish brown granular-puberulent, the trichomes sometimes appearing branched; cataphylls 3-5 cm long, drying reddish brown, erect-spreading, sometimes curved; petioles 1.3-2.5 cm long (averaging 1.9 cm), sheathed to about the middle, subterete; geniculum 6-10 mm long; blades narrowly oblong-ovate, gradually to abruptly acuminate at apex, rounded at base, 11-19.5 cm long, 3-6.3 cm wide (averaging 12.7 x 3.8 cm), 3.0-3.6 times longer than wide, 5.9-6.3 times longer than the petioles, drying grayish green above, yellow-green below; both surfaces moderately densely glandular-punctate; margins revolute; midrib narrowly rounded-raised and concolorous above, similar but not as thick below, drying somewhat acute above; primary lateral veins 5-6 pairs, drying raised on both surfaces; interprimary veins almost as prominent but lacking loop-connections at collective vein; collective veins arising from the base, weakly loop-connecting at primary lateral veins, 4-10 mm from the margins. Inflorescence spreading; INFLORESCENCES with peduncle 10 cm long, less than 2 mm diam., drying 1 mm wide; spathe oblong-lanceolate, to 2.2-3.2 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, brownish red, spreading at ca. 90° to the peduncle; spadix 4.5-5 cm long, drying 2-3 mm diam., stipitate 2-3 mm, slightly tapered to apex, green to greenish red, turned upward at 115° angles. Flowers 4 visible per spiral, 1.9-2.1 mm long; lateral tepals .9-1.1 mm wide, the outer margins 2-sided, the inner margins rounded, drying dark brown, matte; stamens not seen.
Anthurium gerberrerae is endemic to Colombia (Narino), known only from the La Planada Reserve at elevation of 1,850 m. It occurs only in Premontane wet forest.