Anthurium melampyi
Epiphytic (often appressed), or less commonly terrestrial; juvenile plant with petiole 24-32 cm long, 1-3 mm diam. at middle; blade triangular-ovate, 8-22 cm long, 3-16 cm wide; adults internodes short, 4-7 cm diam.; cataphylls reddish brown above, pale below, drying brown intact, tan as fibers, to ca. 30 cm long, persisting semi-intact at upper nodes, as nearly linear fibers lower, or as a loose reticulum of fibers, occasionally with tips persisting intact; petioles 100-140 cm long (averaging 131.2 cm), 8-14 mm diam. at middle, terete, deeply and narrowly sulcate or sharply V-sulcate, especially in age, sometimes with acute striations adaxially or with 2-many coarse ribs in age, semi-glossy, brittle, medium green; geniculum 1.5-4 cm long; blades ovate-sagittate, acuminate at apex, deeply lobed at base cordate or cordate-sagittate at base, 70-130 cm long, 50-95 cm wide (averaging 96.5 x 78.4 cm), 1.6-2.1 times longer than broad, .8-1.0 times longer than the petioles, broadest at or near point of petiole attachment, subcoriaceous; both surfaces semiglossy, bicolorous, drying reddish brown; anterior lobe 60-100 cm long, 50-95 cm wide, concave along the margin; posterior lobes 22-45 cm long, 20-47 cm wide, directed inward; sinus obovate, often closed, 20-38 cm deep, (6) 22-26 cm wide; midrib acute and slightly paler above, round-raised, often with parallel ridges, and somewhat paler below; basal veins 9-11 pair, 7th and higher coalesced to varying degrees, prominently raised below, sunken above, at least upon drying; posterior rib prominent, mostly naked; primary lateral veins 17-23 per side, departing midrib at 45°-60° (90°) angles, slightly paler and narrowly raised in valleys above, thicker than broad to narrowly raised, and paler below; tertiary veins often sunken above, raised below; collective vein arising near base, from one of last basal veins, extending along most of the margin, 1-5 mm from margin; INFLORESCENCES erect-spreading to spreading-pendent; peduncle 45-80 cm long, 5-10 mm diam. at middle; spathe oblong, oblong-elliptic, or rarely lanceolate, subcoriaceous, 12-28 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, hooding spadix, sometimes somewhat curled, green, with moderately distinct veins; spadix yellowish white or green, tinged faintly purple pre-anthesis, cylindroid to slightly tapered, pendent, slightly curved away from spathe at 80°-90° angles to peduncle, stipitate, 16-48 cm long, .6-1.0 cm diam. at base, 1.5-1.9 cm diam. just above base, .9-1.5 cm diam. at middle, .6-1.0 cm diam. at apex. Flowers 1.6-2.0 mm long, 1.8--2.1 mm wide, 10-12 per spiral; tepals triangular; stamens long-exserted; pistils early emergent INFRUCTESCENCES long-pendent; fruiting spadix 50-65 cm long, 2.5 cm or more in diam. at base, to 3 cm diam. at middle, 1.4 cm diam. at apex; tepals blackened; berries reddish-purple, green at tip.
Anthurium melampyi is known only from southern Colombia (Narino) at the type locality and in adjacent area of Ecuador (Carchi), at elevations from 750-2,420 m, primarily above 1,800 m, in Premontane wetforest, Montane rainforest life zones. In Carchi it has been collected in the Tobar Donoso parish in the AW:1 Reserve. At La Planada it is common in all parts of the area, occurring in both regrowth forest and in the primary forest.