Anthurium pendulispadix Croat
Terrestrial or epiphytic, often scandent; internodes 6-12 cm long, 6-9 mm diam., medium green, turning brown; cataphylls subcoriaceous, to ca. 27 cm long, drying tan, persisting semi-intact at upper nodes, as a coarse, loose reticulum lower on plants, fibers drying light reddish brown; petioles 13-30 cm long (averaging 22 cm), 3-5 mm diam., sharply C-shaped, sulcate; geniculum l.5-2 cm long, drying darker than petiole; blades more or less elliptic to narrowly ovate, apiculate to narrowly acuminate at apex, rounded at base, 16-35 cm long, (5-)10-14.5(-15) cm wide (averaging 29 X 12 cm), l.8-2.S (-4) times, longer than broad, (0.5-)1-l.7(-2) times longer than the petioles, broadest at or slightly below middle, coriaceous; upper surface dark green and velvety; lower surface slightly paler, semiglossy, both surfaces glandular punctate; midrib acute and paler above, convex and much paler below; primary lateral veins 5-9 pairs, arising at 45-50° angle etched above, weakly raised below; interprimary veins weak; collective veins 2 pairs, arising from near base, narrowly sunken above, convex and darker than surface below, first 4-6 mm from margin, the second 18-23 mm from margin; INFLORESCENCES erect; peduncle 20--35 (-45) cm long, 3-5 mm diam., purplish; spathe reflexed-recurled, subcoriaceous, green tinged purple, light green or maroon, lanceolate, 8-15 cm long, 5-9 cm wide; spadix yellowish green, maroonish, grayish, or white, sessile, more or less cylindroid, 22-36 (-42) cm long, 2-4 mm diam.; tepals brownish yellow, pistils greenish, turning gray-green, with white emergent pistils, finally purple. Flowers 2-3 per primary spiral, 3.1-3.5 mm long, l.5-2.0 mm wide; INFRUCTESCENCES with fruiting spadix to ca. 40 cm long, to ca. 1 cm diam.; berries white, depressed globose, 4 mm diam., 3.5 mm high, depressed medially at apex.