Anthurium protrudens
Epiphyte; internodes short, 5 cm diam.; cataphylls to 32 cm long, light brownish fiberous, persisting in dense mass; petioles more than 1 m long, ca. 2 cm diam., subterete, weakly sulcate and medium yellow-brown and matte on drying; blades ovate-sagittate, 110-115 cm long, 73-74 cm wide, margins, sinuate in lower 1/3, the tissue unable to be flattened without folding; upper surface drying minutely wrinkled and glossy at higher magnification; lower surface drying minutely granular; anterior lobe 77-80 cm long, 71-75 cm wide (averaging 78 x 73 cm), 1.1 times longer than broad, broadly rounded and somewhat sinuate along the margin; posterior lobes 31-36 cm long, 20-21.5 cm wide, prominently incurled and overlapping; sinus closed, rounded at apex, 21-26 cm deep, 16-18.5 cm wide; midrib acute and paler above, narrowly rounded and paler below, drying acute above with fine ribs along the sides above; anterior lobe 85 cm long, broadly convex along the margins, prominently lobed at base; primary lateral veins 8-9 pairs, arising at 45-50° angle, drying acute and almost concolorous above, narrowly rounded and darker below; collective veins arising from one of the primary lateral veins in the upper 1/3 of blade, 3-6 mm from margin; tertiary veins moderately obscure; basal veins 11(-12) pair, 1st pair free to the base, the remainder regularly branching off the posterior rib, 4 of them ascending and merging with the margin above the petiole insertion, the remainder lowermost basal veins curved upward and merging with the margin below the petiole insertion; posterior rib 17-17.5 cm long, markedly curved, naked 13-14 cm; INFLORESCENCES erect; peduncle short, to 9 cm long,(The only inflorescence was mounted with three additional pieces of what could be petiole or peduncle and the field notes makes no mention of the length of the peduncle so it could be short or it could be up to 1 m long.) 11 mm diam., drying matte, light brown; spathe erect, 30 cm long, 10.5 cm wide, 2.8 times longer than broad, bright red, drying matte, dark brown outside, medium reddish gray-brown inside, narrowly acuminate at apex the acumen tightly inrolled; inner surface with ca. 9 veins; spadix 30.5 cm long, narrowly rounded and 1.3 cm diam. at base, 3 em diam. midway when dried, 1 cm diam. at 1 cm from tip, bright red. Flowers 21-25 visible per spiral, 2.6-3.0 mm long, 2-2.3 mm wide, drying medium dark brown, matte and sparcely thick-granular; lateral tepals 2.6-2.8 mm wide, outer margins 2-sided, inner margin almost straight; stamens 2.0-2.2 mm long, 1 mm wide, held erect just above the tepals in a dense cluster, thecae not at all divericate; pollen pale yellow.
Anthurium protrudens is known only from the type locality at La Planada in Narino Dept. at 1,750 m, in a Premontane wet forest life zone.