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Philodendron ricaurtense Croat
Family: AraceaeGenus: Philodendron
Terrestrial; internodes short, to 2.5 cm diam., dark olive-green and moderately glossy on pre-adult plants, 1.7-3.2 cm diam., brown and covered with cataphylls on adult plants; cataphylls semi-intact at several upper nodes, red-brown, moderately soft, with thin epidermis underlain with a close network of pale fibers, 28.1-30.2 cm long, persisting semi-intact with a reticulum of fibers woven together, drying reddish brown. LEAVES clustered at apex of stem; petioles more or less erect, 34.1-61.6 cm long, 4-6 mm diam., terete midway and narrowly sulcate, sharply C-shaped and sulcate toward apex, dark green, weakly glossy, drying reddish medium brown; preadult broadly ovate, to 26.4 cm long, 16 cm wide, the sinus ca. 5 cm deep, narrowly rounded at the apex; adult blades more or less pendent from petioles, narrowly ovate-triangular-sagittate, subcoriaceous, dark green and matte above, much paler and moderately glossy below, drying 31.2-42.9 cm long, 19.4-28.5 cm wide (averaging 35 x 23), 1.45-1.61 (averaging 1.53) times longer than broad, broadest at petiole attachment, 0.6-0.9 (averaging 0.7) times long as petioles, abruptly acuminate at apex, prominently lobed at base, medium brown and weakly glossy above, reddish medium brown and semiglossy below; upper surface densely pale speckled (round to elongated), minutely papillate upon magnification; lower surface densely dark reddish brown speckled; anterior lobe 22.2-30.7 cm long, with straight to slightly concave margins midway; posterior lobes 11.4-14.5 cm long, 8.3-12 cm wide, directed downward and inward; midrib sunken and slightly paler above, convex and slightly paler below, drying flattened and darker above, narrowly raised finely ribbed and darker below; primary lateral veins weakly quilted-sunken above, weakly pleated-raised below, 9 pairs, arising at a 40° angle near middle, narrowly and bluntly sunken above, prominently convex, darker and matte below, prominently down-turned along midrib, drying broadly convex, paler above, narrowly rounded, finely ribbed and darker below; minor veins moderately obscure, arising mostly from midrib but also from the primary lateral veins closer to margins, drying obscure above and distinct below; laticifers long and discontinuous, weakly raised appearing like minor veins; basal veins 8 pairs, 1st pair free to base, 2nd pair fused to 1 cm, 4th and 5th pair fused to 2.8 cm; posterior rib gradually curved, naked 1.8 cm; sinus spathulate, 8.9-11.9 cm deep, 2.9-3.9 cm wide. INFLORESCENCES 2 per axil; peduncle white, coarsely lineate at apex and on base of tube, 4.7-6.0 cm long, drying 2.2 mm diam., dark brown; spathe 9.5-14.7 cm long, flattening to 2.7-3.0 cm wide, narrowly long-acuminate at apex, narrowly acute at base, not markedly constricted; tube dark red outside, the blade white, inner surface dark maroon-purple on tube, the blade red, green at tip, drying 8.1-11.5 cm long, 6-11 mm wide; spadix 7-10 cm long; staminate portion 4.9-7 cm long, 3.0 mm diam. at base, 2.6 mm diam. at apex; pistillate portion. 2.1-3 cm long, 3.6-4 mm diam. wide upon drying; pistils pale green (post-anthesis), 1.8 mm long, 1.2-1.6 mm diam.; stigma 1.2 mm diam., 0.2 mm thick, densely covered with stigmatic papillae; ovary 1.4 mm long, 1.4 mm diam., 5-locular; locules 1.2 mm long; ovules 8-10 per locule with parietal placentation, 0.2 mm long, the funicle about as long as ovary.