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Xanthosoma poecile (Schott) E.G.Gonç.
Family: AraceaeGenus: Xanthosoma
Geophytic herbs. Stem cormous, 10-12 x 9-14 cm, purplish outside, parenchyma yellow, producing numerous roundish cormels. Leaves 2-5 per plant; petioles 35-92 x 0.5-0.6 cm, smooth, green to strongly violet; sheath chartaceous, pinkish to violet, up to 1/2 of petiole length; leaf blade sagittate-cordate, peltate in smaller leaves to non-peltate in larger leaves, membranous to chartaceous, 25-32 x 19-25 cm, dark matte green adaxially, usually with a purplish spot at petiole insertion, paler and matte abaxially, veins purplish adaxially, margins violet; anterior division ovateto-wide-triangular,16-23 x 19-25cm, apex weakly cuspidate, primary lateral veins 3-4 per side, departing midrib at 45-50° angle, sunken adaxially, prominent abaxially, concolorous to slightly clear adaxially, concolorous to purplish abaxially; collective vein irregular, 2-11 mm from leaf margin; posterior divisions 9-10 3 9-12 cm, obtuse to round at apex. Inflorescences solitary or in pairs; peduncle erect, almost as long as the petioles, 15-40 3 0.4-0.6 cm, green tinged with red or purplish; spathe 8.5-11 cm long, strongly constricted at anthesis, spathe tube medium green outside, the inside white, purplish at base, 3-4 cm long, 1.5-2 cm in diam., spathe lamina yellowish before anthesis, turning white on both surfaces at anthesis, ovate to elliptic, 5-7.5 cm, shortly cuspidate at apex; spadix sessile, obliquely attached basally, 7-9 cm long, moderately constricted at the middle; female portion cylindrical, 2-2.5 cm, adnate to the spathe up to 8 mm, pinkish; sterile male portion moderately constricted, dimorphic, 1.5-2 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm diam. at base, white; male portion cylindrical, 3-3.6 x 0.6 cm, ivory-white; Flowers unisexual; fertile male flowers prismatic, 4-5-androus irregularly rhombic to hexagonal in upper view, pollen extruded in strains, shed in tetrads; sterile male flowers dimorphic, lower staminodes prismatic, upper staminodes elongated; gynoecium ca. 2 x 1 mm, stigma hemispheric, off-white to greenish, c 0.5 mm diam., style enlarged, coherent, up to 1 mm diam., pinkish, ovary cylindrical to barrel-shaped, 1-1.1 mm, 2-3-pseudoloculed, ovules 6-8 per pseudolocule. Fruits unknown.